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RE: The Infantry Man Slogan and Our Mindset Towards Disaster...

in #mindset6 years ago (edited)

It's biblico @chbartist:
But Jesus said to him: Nobody, that after putting the hand in the plow watches back, is apt for the kingdom of God.
Luke 9:62
If you already decided to put your hands on the plow, and walk forward, do not look back; Put your trust and your gaze on Jesus, because He will lead you to victory.

"And when they had taken them outside, they said: Escape for your life; do not look after you, or stop in all this plain; escape to the mountain, lest you perish. "Genesis 19: 17
No one can walk well with their eyes turned back, because surely we would stumble or deviate from our path; and so that does not happen our gaze must be fixed ahead.
Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that would be destroyed by the wrath of God. Lot and his family were the only candidates to be saved from ruin. There was only one counsel from God to escape a city full of evil: "Do not look back, do not stop, lest you be destroyed."
Lot and his two daughters were saved, because they obeyed the counsel that God, through the angels, had given them. But the same did not happen with Lot's wife, who sadly ignored what God told her to do. He began the career of his salvation quite well, but he looked at his past, what was behind him, his old way of living, the world he was in before and ended with a sad ending.
"Then Lot's wife looked back, behind him, and became a statue of salt." Genesis 19:26
His desire to go back was bigger than to move on. There are opportunities in which one acts as Lot's wife, goes so well in her Christian career and suddenly looks at her past and says: I'm not going to change, I can not get over it, I do not know what to do anymore, I give up, it's difficult, it is not for me and in the end it is trapped and destroyed by satan.
If you suddenly can not get out of a vice, some depression, some family problem or any other problem, just remember this: "Do not look back, do not stop, so you do not perish." Put your gaze forward, like the Apostle Paul did it, because You can do everything in Christ that strengthens you.