Taking Advantage of Your Problems by Changing Your View
Hello, Steemians!
Life is not a linear path. We do not always experience delightful things and we, as humans, are prone to many incidents and problems that could slow us down or give us a hard time.
Be as optimistic as you like or as hopeful and dreamful as it can possibly get, you cannot deny the inevitable truth of life that not everything is in our hands. At the end of the day, some occurrences are not within our power or authority to reason with, and some incidents are not essentially our fault.
The thing I want to tell you today might be one of the most important lessons that I have cherished in my lifetime, so I want you to pay close attention and thoroughly consider the argument below regarding the incidents and problems that become an obstacle in your way.

As I have said before, most people have the same blessings, but don’t use them equally. For instance, we are all given 24 hours a day. We are all bestowed with gifts of sense, thought, and will.
But for all our mutual and shared blessings, there are people who achieve success and there are people who live in misery. As I have said time and time again, the true difference of successful people and unsuccessful ones are in the way they approach life.
You see, successful people tend to have peculiar mindsets when it comes to reacting to things that happen in their life. We can even go so far as to suggest that even their decision-making process is unique it its own right.
How do successful people react when obstacles and incidents disturb their movements towards realizing their dreams?

Learn how to take advantage of your problems. As we have said before, our problems or the incidents and occurrences that disturb us are impartial in the face of ultimate reality. It is our own tendency to see them as difficulties and delights through the labels of our mindset.
Successful people do not linger in the hopelessness of the incident that has turned into an obstacle in their path. They are always looking for a way to even take advantage of the troubles that come their way.
One of the most moving stories that I heard was from friend of mine that lived in a place where they constantly had power surges and lost their electricity.
He told me that after a while, the illusory veil lost its grip on him and he began to look at that annoying problem from another angle. Every time the town lost its electricity, my friend looked for the positive effects of that loss and tried to find a way to take advantage of his situation.
For instance, he did the chores that required no electricity in those specific moments of the day and saved more time for his other activities.
That loss of electricity was no longer a problem for him, but an opportunity. You see, we always have a choice. We can adapt and take advantage, or we can sit still and complain about things that are not in accordance to our will.

If you believe in God, then you can say that some incidents are opportunities send forth by him to test your vigilance. If you do not believe in God, then you can say that we make our own chances and should take advantage of every moment in our life.
Whatever the case, one of the most important points in the mindset of successful people is their willingness to see the silver lining and taking opportunities of the situations that may not be in their hand.
A BIG HUG! ============================ Important Note! I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, 40, 50, 80 upvotes and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem... ***Remember Community: Please, if you commented and upvote on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair. You all know the goal! We can reach: 50+ Upvotes each others! Attention!!! I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts. I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment and thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you. You will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time. AND First of all, I would like to thank all of you, who are the most active and proactive in this community, showing your generosity and always with meaningful comments. From now on I will always make a list of these incredible people who have helped to expand our goal of growing ever more. And if you are not on this list, please, after making your comment, write in that comment: Include my profile in the list, because I do or want to be part of all this with all of you! But I ask that if you are new around here you read many of the previous posts because they make it clear that we are building a community with respect among all, generosity and this blog is for those who really want to start moving their Mindset to positive and moreover be part of the growth of all of us who contribute to this blog. Please do not ask to include you in the list if you are just wanting votes or speculating because we want here people genuinely attuned to growth and good attitudes and as I have always said with Respect as the basis of all, generosity and positivity! Remember the rules. First leave your comment meaningful and then leave your message that you want to be included in this comment. Everyone is welcome and I hope this list grows exponentially because this will be a reflection of everyone's growth. I really do not want to be able to update the list of so many people that can be included in it. Let's go together towards the 50+ upvotes to recognize the efforts of those who dedicate their time so that we can become stronger and leave a legacy of growth in our lives and in the lives of others! ABOUT OUR LIST!!! WE NEED GROW THIS LIST! LET'S GO TOGETHER IN THIS COMMUNITY - RESTEEM! I'm not going to put this list in all the posts because I do not quite understand why, but some people did not like me to tag them even though this list is a list of acknowledgment and thanks from the people I've observed being the ones who write meaningful comments , are generous voting for each other and contribute more to this family we are building here. So stay tuned to the text below and in the next posts. @juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @hobo.media @theticket @royer94 @mentalhealthguru @bradley028 @nummulshrma @steemmatt @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @rem-steem @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @hobo.media @theticket @royer94 @mentalhealthguru @bradley028 @nummulshrma @steemmatt @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @rem-steem @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell Thanks All of You!!!!
So, starting today, consider the fact that each and every one of your problems could be your life-changing opportunities.
@isabelpereira @nulifeiq @royer94 @yaleal @ushmil @nisiryan0522
Life is only a simulation of your own mindset!!
I totally agree with you @chbartist,
When we have a problem we can do two things, solve the problem or continue to them. Nobody wants to continue with a problem (at least shouldn't want), so if we continue with the problem, it means that, we haven't had give enough effort to solve or we cannot solve that.
In that case, we need to change our behavior to do the maximum effort to really solve the problem, or change our point of view, understand that problem in unsolved and never will be, and it's ok with that. If we cannot solve a problem, we need to understand that, even we put all our energy in that, nothing will change, so why we need to waste our time and energy in that?
Thanks for sharing, and I will appreciate if my blog will be on your list, but just if you see value in my blog and my comments!
Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface
This reminds me of the analogy of the eagle and the storm which I've been taught about dealing with problems and trials in life. As a king of the air, the eagle soars high with the help of a fierce wind even rides with the storms. I think this is the reason why people say spread your wings and soar high to see the world from a higher perspective. Let problems be your springboard to leap with a greater hope in dealing with the troubles of life.
Posted using Partiko Android
Problems in life are going on and we will have to get rid of these problems by trying.
If we wait for the river to dry while sitting on the banks of the river, then we will never be able to do anything in life.
Thank you friend, you have written a lot of knowledge.
Posted using Partiko Android
Very well said, I agree every problems we encounter we need to take it as an opportunity and not obstacle. it will help us to grow, to be strong and to learn how to fight for this life.
We are what we do in those type of situations. I do come from eastern Europe, a place where people's stories are mainly how they are surrendering to the hardness of life. I am happy now that I am able to see all the disasters as new opportunities and nothing is able to put me down anymore. But it was a long journey
Posted using Partiko Android
upvoted! :D
Que bonito este pensamento. Lembra-me uma época da minha vida em que vivia com dificuldades e certo dia a minha tv avariou.
como não tinha dinheiro para repará-la ou comprar outra, passava o meu serão a ler. então descobri que esta situação, que normalmente encaramos como um problema, se transformou numa oportunidade para
ocupar o meu tempo livre com uma atividade diferente e muito prazerosa. No saldo final, percebi que até fiquei a ganhar. E essa percepção passou a fazer parte da minha mentalidade.
Obrigada por esta reflexão.
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is another saying this reminds me of. These experiences, whether good or bad, will build up to future decisions for the best if you learn from them. It is the cycle of life!
Posted using Partiko iOS
These days I was a bit sad, because we had planned to leave the country now in December, but already one year processing the passport of my little girl and there is no way to get the passport, it is one of the main obstacles that the government puts we for leave the country ... so December has arrived and even the office in charge does not know how to respond ... I was a little sad ... but as I have always said, God's time is perfect, and if not it could be at this moment is because it may not suit us to leave this month of the country ... so we will have a lot of patience and we will wait for the time of God, when it is time everything will go smoothly. Meanwhile, we will continue to give the best of us here in my country.
This is a perfect example to see the problem from a different angle :)
I am sorry that the government gives you a hard time to leave the country @blessed-girl , but it also shows you some possibilities. Since you can not leave the country, you can discover beautiful places within your country.
Moreover, you could spend more time with your family or do an activity you always wanted to do.
The core message I want to give is: The one situation might be bad, but it also opens a door for something that might even be better :)
Have a good day,
Yes, of course ... I understand you perfectly and that is exactly what I do ... Thanks for your comment, have a nice day! :)
On one of the worst (by circumstance) days of my life, I took the time to remember the blessing contained within each problem. It was a new concept for me at the time, spurred by the desperation of the moment. It has been more than 20 years, but I still look back at that day and remember the rewiring that took place in my brain and heartspace with gratitude.