Foreseeing and Prophesying; Analyzing an Error of the Mind...
Hello again, dear Steemians!
In our series of articles about mental distortions and erroneous thought trains, we analyze the strangest thought patterns that compel human beings to make mistakes.
These mistakes may not be life-threatening, but they are fundamentally hazardous to your state of well-being, whether it is your social stature or your mental health. Knowing how your brain functions is the first step towards a more mature understanding of how you perceive the world.
One of the known mental distortions that might interfere with our common sense and logic is prophesying, or ‘jumping to conclusions’ as some would like to call it.

The human sense is often riddled with mistakes and shortcomings. How we perceive the world is the product of our own thoughts about it.
Some people have the tendency to foretell things that could not be predicted under any circumstances.
These people usually jump into conclusions pretty quickly, dismissing logical assessment and trusting their gut feeling to make their decisions for them.
They tend to think that they can know what the other person is thinking and try to read them without thinking about the consequences.
While we do not deny the fact that you could probably read a person’s thought based on their behavior or unique body gestures, you should note that there is a big difference between being wary and being paranoid.
The problem with jumping to conclusions is that more often than we care to admit, we take on negative thoughts from the person who is talking to us.

This is also true about our capacity for telling fortune or foreseeing future events.
Some people fallaciously believe that they can predict the future or guess the outcome of events based on little evidence.
Soon, that feeling transcends to an erroneous truth deep inside the person’s mind, forcing him to ignore all the facts that would oppose his ideas.
A good example of such fortune telling would be a person that falls in love, but somehow believes that he can never find true happiness with his feelings, thus distancing himself from his loved one and assuming that any possible relationship with them is already doomed to fail.
Some have the courage to start a relationship, and when they fail once, they believe that they can never find true love and tranquility under the shadow of somebody else.
Someone might fail in their studies or business endeavors, so they decide that they may not be as intellectually gifted as everybody else, and sit in despair at things that they have failed in, while also ignoring their chances for the future and dubbing their case as futile and pointless.

Always try to see the future as a bowl of opportunities and an infinite string of possibilities. We are in no position to predict what the future will bring. Falling into the trap of prophesying has destroyed many a man’s ambitions and dreams.
If you feel like that you are illogically prejudiced to believe in a negative chain of events for your possible future, you can be sure that you are exposed to this erroneous thought pattern known as foreseeing or ‘jumping to conclusions.’
By identifying your erroneous pessimism regarding your chances for the future, resist against this fallacious thought pattern.
A Big Hug
I know a person like that ... always predicts (according to) the thoughts of others, and never does anything he wants because he is always thinking about others think, and on several occasions I say: "you pay and you give the returned, "is a saying very common here in Venezuela, but he always imagines the worst and in the end he does not do anything hahaha. I remember once I wanted to request a loan from the bank to start a business, he told me that this business was not feasible, but here in Venezuela it was the cyber BOOM, and I wanted to place one .... then I would I said: that is not feasible? if in each corner there is one, it means that if it's a good business ... then he got a crazy account to me, where in the end the business broke, hahaha ... I always tell that anecdote when he gives one of his negative analyzes .. I say: you are the only person in the world who breaks the business before starting hahaha .... This attitude paralyzes the person, you never have to predict something that you do not really know what will be the reaction of the other person or the result of some action. because in that way you will never achieve anything in life!
Oh yes @chbartist, great motivation and we just have to be more optimistic and drop everything that prevents us from moving forward!
Excellent review, my friend and you are right, you need to see the best in front and strive for it no matter what! Thank you @chbartist
Saludos @chbartist! El saltar a conclusiones es una distorsión cognitiva sobre una situación que ponemos en tela de juicio. Estamos tentados a adelantar conclusiones, debido a se pueden disparar alarmas configuradas con experiencias pasadas.
El cerebro desarrolla procesos asociativos, utilizando un enfoque estadístico con lo que determina realidades aleatorias, en se busca patrones que justifiquen una toma de decisión basada en la presunción. Para no caer en la tentación de adelantar juicios, debemos a través del mejoramiento continuo, realizar capacitaciones y estudios de nuevas técnicas, permitiendo afrontar los retos con una aptitud optimista. Feliz día!The informers believe that cognitive distortions are the underlying ideas that some individuals see the truth inaccurately. It is often said that these types of thinking reinforce negative thoughts or feelings
One way of generating new ideas is to combine or modify existing ideas. Another way is to focus the individual on choosing tools or approaches that help to achieve a completely different level. These approaches drive the mind into forging new links, thinking differently and looking at new perspectives
It all comes down to letting positive thoughts dominate one’s life when approaching every situation. Prejudice is never good and should always be denied in one’s thoughts!
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Thanks @chbartist for this teachings, indeed many people make mistakes in what we say or speak out to some people. Some of these ulterances we do not weigh them whether the fellow we are speaking to would be hurt or not. The only thing is to pour out these words for them, and one of the things is prophesying to someone. Some of the things we prophesised sometimes can ruin relationship between the person and his family andwe should be careful of that.
Many times those patterns of thoughts that we possess we have acquired since childhood. Review your childhood and you will get the answers.
Always try to see the future as a bowl of opportunities and an infinite string of possibilities this words what we should do