There are 7 energy centres inside me? Really?

in #mindset6 years ago (edited)

For some reason Tilly went to a meditation group, it was a spur of the moment decision. She could only put it down to curiosity.

Tilly heard words like universe, higher consciousness and the Higher Self, she had come for a quiet time away from her buys life. Mediation was not just sitting with my eyes closed? Instead Tilly entered a new world of energy light centres called chakras, seven energy vortexes, all different colours. She sat bewildered attempting to process everything. Has she stepped into the mystery of spirituality?

Tilly sat still as she attempted to absorb the teacher's busy overload of information. It is located at the base of my spine between my legs and is related to my will to live, grounding my soul in my current life. Really? This chakra maintains the life force energy that flows through me from the time I was born and only leaves when I die. It is also associated with my sexual and physical activity, it gives energy to my kidneys, adrenals and to my spinal column and it is red.

Tilly heard the teacher tell everyone to visualise the colour red at the beginning of the meditation, instead she saw the colour violet, it kept moving into shapes, so weird but beautiful at the same time. How strange, her eyes were closed.

The last bit of information Tilly heard the suggestion to walk, it was good to ground the base chakra when blocked. How do you know if your base chakra is blocked? Tilly needed answers and instinctively knew there was no turning back.

Cheers and blessings

Thank you Pinterest for the photos


Wanted to add to this. The onslaught of EMF has been affecting our body/mind natural frequency. Our natural alignment is with the earths, which is called the Schumann resonance.

To help regain some equilibrium, it is suggested when weather permits to stand barefoot in wet grass and it will help tune us back to our natural frequency.

Hi practical thought and thank you for this pointer. Yes, standing and walking on grass are excellent ways to clear the Base Chakra. I will look the Schumann resonance for a read, thank you.

Howdy there angiemitchell! hey do you know how to know if your base chakra is blocked?

Hi janton, it can produce emotional symptoms of fear, anxiety, sadness/depression and physical symptoms related to tiredness and lack of energy.

Howdy again angiemitchell! ok so I believe that but then how do you unblock it?

Hi janton, I thought I replied but maybe it went somewhere else haha. There are physical symptoms like tiredness and lack of energy. Also there are emotional symptoms like fear, anxiety and sadness/depression. Keeping the physical body healthy is essential for a clear flowing Base Chakra.

Oh ok I get it and I bet eating healthy is a big part of that isn't it? rats. lol.

It is - the body is the physical temple to hold all the chakras. But I am sure that treats are perfectly okay - haha

haha! yes just like most of life..all things in moderation.

Haha yes and I love eating dark chocolate too.

howdy again angiemitchell! OH, dark of the Goddesses!

Haha, that's it!

Base chakra is everything - where it all starts. Love it.

Hi riverflows and yes it is where it all starts. Thank you for your feedback.