The Universe Inside Your Head (episode 2)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #mind7 years ago (edited)

Episode 2: Mind, Your Master Ally Or Your Worst Enemy

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Mind is different from the brain. The brain is a part of the body. It is the engine that is directed by a force or energy called the mind. Mind is an activity. It’s a thought process that drives your brain the way you want it to be. Your mind doesn’t only drive your brain; it drives your entire body.

Your body is only a reflection of your mind’s concept. Your mind is the master of your body. It creates a vibration that will move you to action. That is why, whatever you think about will manifest in to your actions and behavior. Meanwhile, your actions determine the vibration that you are in and the environmental vibrations that you attract.

You attract what you are and you become what you think about. You are the totality of forces in your subconscious mind. When you say “it’s hard to change,” what you really mean is, it’s hard to change the forces in your subconscious mind. Most of the things that lurking in your emotional mind are hard-ingrained beliefs implanted from childhood experiences.

A child doesn’t have a conscious mind. That is why he is very vulnerable to any idea or suggestion. The formative years of a child’s life are very crucial because of the absence of rational mind which screens every information or stimuli from the environment. There is no protective gear in a child’s mind. His mind is wide open and will only accept every idea, information, or stimuli that his environment offers.

Deep within every person is a little child that holds a lot of involuntary beliefs and ideas. The years of conditioning to certain ideas result to some deeply ingrained a chain of beliefs that a child will keep for the coming years. These beliefs are deeply imprinted through repetition and constant exposure. A child, who was raised by encouraging parents, tends to develop a strong belief on himself. A child, who was raised in an abusive environment, will eventually accept abuse as a part of life and as something natural. Thus, he won’t develop a strong self- confidence and positive self-image and may think of himself as unworthy of success. Your childhood conditioning is the root cause of the kind of paradigm that you have as an individual.