RE: A Millennial's Guide to Surviving on Less Than $20k a year
Hey, there‘s some really good advice in here. (Even if I wouldn’t agree with everything.)
-2. i‘m not shure what a conditioner is ;) but if you have hair longer than a 6mm buzzcut and do some sports... I wouldn’t ditch shampoo.
-3. Not eating out is a great advice. But drinking lots and lots of water everytime when you’re hungry may destroy your „natural sense of hunger“.
-5. what climate do you live in?
I switch shoes everyday and it’s really making a change. The shoes last longer and don’t become smelly.
Anyway I would need at least four pairs of shoes. Two pairs of summer and two of winter shoes.
And invest in good quality shoes. They may cost more but will be much more durable.
-10. cooking with friends is also an option. Make it a game: everybody brings something they allready had in their kitchen and the task is to create a great meal without having to buy new ingredients.