How are the Millenials?

in #millenials7 years ago

Millenials seem to have it pretty bad in the media, and in the eyes of society at large. "Seen" as lazy sensitive kids with no ambition, and activist trouble. Is there more than meets the eye?


Millenials have entered into the world, the markets, the workplace, and economy at a pretty shaky time around the world, since the better part of them only reached working age at the start of the 2008 depression. There isn't as much money to make, wealth to gain, and power to reach for as there was in days before the market crash, and it is obvious, and a fact of life.

Many millenials, and generation Xrs have reached a consensus that they were promised the world on high, but handed a rusty and empty plate. House hold debt, for example, is the highest in north america, than ever before, and people own much less in assets. You often hear the complaint "took a 40k course to learn to make 20k" but just how far does it go?

Millenials make 20 percent less than the previous generation!

Millenials start from a position of massive debt for education!

Millenials can't afford homes!

Millenials Aren't getting married!

The divorce rate in the marriages that do exist aren't pretty!

Millenials living in retirement fears!

Lets face it, I could compile a thousand of these articles in an hour, and they are startling revelations about the realities which the young are facing today. Like pushing a rock uphill, the millennial generation has a lot more adversity and challenge just to meet the bottom rung of the ladder which the past generations have climbed.

Millenials are also under a constant attack by the media, which shines seemingly negative light ONLY on a whole generation of people. The media which influences and reaches millions of people is, in many ways, serving to embellish the bad points average people receive about millenials, and the negative image is what gets taken away by their audience. The media, as we know, tends to find the most fringe people of any group, and insist it is the norm, creating a dystopia between people.

Just look at the direction of this video for example....

Or this....

So are millenials still useless, self, loathing, spoiled, entitled, cry babies in your mind?

or is there more to the story?

what do you think?