Most Brutal Military Tactic In History

in #military10 months ago

There is no animal dangerous like hunger… A worm turning stomach upside down and opening a hole on it. Changing the decision making abilities without even firing a single bullet. Especially when a commander uses this weapon against women and children…

Vercingetorix famously sent their own women and children out of Alesia to Ceasar’s camp to free them from hunger. Ceasar just kept them between his walls and city walls and let them perish by hunger and fatigue. What kind of a feeling it shall be for the dads, brothers inside the city walls? Probably that’s why they surrendered later on… To free women and children from hunger…

‘’ Most people don't associate cannibalism with the Soviet Union. But as Timothy Snyder describes in his book Bloodlands, the 1933 Stalin-imposed famine in Ukraine was so severe that cannibalism became surprisingly prevalent. The state had to set up an anti-cannibalism squad, and hundreds of people were accused of eating their neighbors or, in some cases, their family members. ‘’

‘’ While the Nazi leader had no idea the population of Leningrad would hold out for so long, starving the city to death was his plan all along.

According to diaries from his generals and others, Hitler knew the city would be difficult to take in a normal battle and was unwilling to divert manpower and artillery, so decided to starve its people until they were too few - and weak - to resist.

Experts were brought in to calculate how long the city would last, who assured the Fuhrer it would be on its knees in a matter of weeks.

During the first bombings the city’s food stores were destroyed, while supply trucks trying to get food in were targeted.’’