Kim Jeong-eun: a nuclear blow to the whole country. The button is on my desk.

in #military7 years ago

North Korean leader Kim Jeong-eun 1, CCTV through the Korean New Year message published in 2018. He said that the DPRK was able to deal with and block any nuclear threat in the past year. He said the whole country was within the North Korea's nuclear strike, and the nuclear button was on his desk. The United States should realize that this is not a threat but a reality, and it will never allow the United States to launch a war against him and North Korea.


China new network quoted foreign media reports, the United Nations Secretary General Guterres issued a video address on the occasion of the 2018, calling for "unity".


Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations

According to reports, Guterres said, "when I took office a year ago, I called for a year of peace in 2017. Unfortunately, the world is not going to peace at all. On New Year's day, on 2018, I no longer made a call. I send a warning to our world a red alert.

Guterres said, "the conflict has intensified, and the new danger has emerged. Global concerns over nuclear weapons have reached the highest level since the cold war. The speed of climate change has exceeded our speed of action, and inequality is increasing. We see terrible human rights violations, and nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise.

At the beginning of 2018, Guterres called on "unity". Guterres said that as long as unity, the world can become more secure, conflict can be solved, and hatred can be overcome.

He urged the leaders of all countries to "narrow their differences, rebuild mutual trust, and lead the people to achieve common goals".