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RE: Irony: The Troops Praising the Constitution

in #military7 years ago

ahh, hypocrisy, it runs rampant in our time.

so many institutions do the exact opposed of their stated intent. Sometimes I think turning around their stated purpose is the best way to understand why they exist...

but alas, until we remember our spiritual roots, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, that the power of life and death is within our hands, that sickness and wellness are states of mind... we will continue to look outside ourselves for answers that will never come, we will keep reaching for a Savior that never comes, or perhaps is already here but who's advice we ignore because we just can't hear it, we just can't believe it, we just can't accept it.

but we each have the power to remember these things, we all have the power to save ourselves, we all have the potential to remember who we really are...

let peace, love, and joy be your guides.

( the divine in me honors the divine in you ; )