Why wars are not won or lost by soldiers

in #military8 years ago

Many think the best way to stop a war is to tell the soldiers not to shoot, but this is not the case.
Many soldiers get on the military transport, but not with a "shoot anything that moves" order, but a more misdirected and subtle "we are going to inspect location A, be prepared to defend yourself". This twisting of words leads to the same result, gun fights. This is because of human nature.
If someone came into your home and told you to put up your hands because they wanted to raid your house. You would want to defend your property. It’s a basic human right, defending yourself.
So when military move into someone else’s country and invades their property holding a gun, there will be resistance.
At first it’s just security guards local military, then it’s the relatives mourning and going to extremes due to the emotional turmoil. Then its whole villages who feel that they are next.
Yet invading soldiers go in thinking they are not the bad guys but have never thought about it from the prospective that they themselves are the burglars entering someone else’s house and the defenders are those that are shooting at the soldiers.
Many think that telling soldiers to disobey their orders and not get on the transport will then solve the hostilities of "invasions". But this does not solve the "invasions", because soldiers cannot disobey an order due to stiff repercussions if they do, things like court-marshals, charged with going AWOL cause more problems for the individual soldier than any injury or PTSD would cause them. And while a soldier is being processed another team is sent in, instead.
In short soldiers don’t have a union to allow them to form a picket line and disobey orders.
The only way to stop wars is simply to prevent governments from allowing military to go to another country unless that country is an ally and specifically requested they turn up. Thus the soldiers are acting in a defensive nature to protect ally’s property, rather than as an offensive nature to walk into non-ally locations in search of others property.
This is where America has gone wrong and Russia is actually doing the right thing. Russia is going to Syria with its ally (the government of Syria) to defend Syria from local extremists.
America and UK however are invading a country without that government’s permission with the end agenda of taking control of the property of that country.
So let’s learn a lesson from this. If extremists went to America then the UK/US have the human right to protect their property and guard the borders as allies. But should not go to a country without its permission, unsettling the inhabitants that never asked them to turn up in the first place.

Hope you enjoy my thoughts