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RE: Military Worship (Episode 3)

in #military7 years ago

The mind numbing fact is that all the lies and propaganda actually works. The US of A did not have to defend itself for over 200 years. Only wars of aggression.
And still, we thank our veterans for their "service".
What is in REALITY their service? Killing innocent people for the benefit of the cabal. Murderers are heroes. People will never wake up.


@bouboug I agree with your comments. One exception: we see people waking up all the time. A few years ago, we were among an extremely small group of awake people who felt helpless, watching the current chaos coming. Today, many more are not only waking up but taking a stand and speaking out.

For some, speaking out is all they can do. But that is so very important in helping others still asleep to wake up. Keep talking, you never know who is listening (except NSA of course) and will, in turn connect the dots and pass the information down the road.

Thank you for your comment.

For some, speaking out is all they can do. But that is so very important in helping others still asleep to wake up

Well, yes, this IS what we do. But the unfortunate reality is that even though people are waking up, 80% are still asleep and the majority of truth seekers is being mislead by people like Alex Jones, believe in Q, Mandela effect, flat earth etc.
While the truth seeker community is highly fragmented and ineffective, the mob demonstrates for the removal of their rights. The madness is unbelievable.
Decades of fluoridation and social engineering is now paying off.
The information is out there for anyone who cares to look. But the crime is of such magnitude, that nobody can believe it.

Totally agree. Let's not forget it only took 3% to win the first American Revolution against all odds. Granted, TPTB are very strong but so is the determination of those citizens who are awake. We can only hope it is the 20% you suggest. When the collapse arrives, which is likely very close indeed, much of the 80% simply will not survive.

Thank you for your reply and the meaningful quote by Dresden James.

Council of the 13 Royal Families

The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, expansion, and fear... The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.