Hans-Hermann Hoppe on migrant crisis, USA, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and more

in #migration7 years ago (edited)

I have to agree with Hoppe here. YOU CANNOT have free permanent migation and the welfare state. What most people don't seem to realize is that this will not be a problem if all states as they exist currently under the Nation state system are destroyed and abolished.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe is an anarcho-capitalist libertarian who has worked hard to develop a theoretical case against free immigration on anarcho-capitalist grounds. This builds on work started by Murray Rothbard.

Below link to some of Hoppe’s writings referenced:


Journal of Libertarian Studies 13:2 (Summer 1998), page 221-233. This is referenced on the following pages:






We are all aware of the problems. What I find lacking are answers...

The only conclusion therefore is the removal of the nation state system itself.
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