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RE: Opinion: Is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s Caricature Of A Political Career Finally Coming To An End?

in #midterms6 years ago

I think Canova will be given the win that way they don’t get too much heat on them for cheating him out of it. Then Schultz will go on to be a consultant and make way more money and still influence like she has. Revolving door.


If you're right, it would be some type of progress, sort've. My expectation is that they will still try to rig it, but that the monitors and volunteers will spot any blatant BS - whether today or in the counting process/unwillingness to recount - and be ready to sue as necessary. You may very well be correct though.

Thanks for reading and responding! I never know if you larger blogs have the time to so I think that was cool.

I think it’s probably a combination of both of our thoughts. We shall see in the coming days though!