Humor And Love

in #microwrite033 months ago (edited)


Task 02

Hubby: "My beloved where's my favorite boxers?"
Wifey: "Sweedy it should be in the laundry."
Hubby: "You mean that pile in the corner?"
Wifey: "Calm down babe that's a fashion new slogan: Laundry chic"
Hubby: "I got you, let me grab & wear it out, you can call it Vintage."
Both of them laugh out loud!


I'm wordy in nature, and honestly, it's my first time of hearing about telegram story, it's short but maintain the main ideas no matter how condensed it becomes. I love the idea and i tried to formulate a story and it landed me in 100 words, I was kinda frustrated, the I recalled our prof said short, and funny. So I replicate a typical conversation with my husband, he likes asking me where he kept his belongings and sometimes I will just gave him funny replies and we laugh off. Yes, sometimes we don't have to be too serious.

Task 03 : Unfaithful Love

An empty bed, he lay feeling the weight of her stare. Why countless untrustworthy promises and interactions? Happy memories brought a warm glow, but the feelings of hurt are stinging. Her smell is intoxicated and still lingering, reminding him of love and pains, as their once sweet love faded, only leaving shadows behind.


Writing this micro story was not really hard for me because I could identify with the poet. Yes I know what it feels when one's intimate partner becomes unfaithful, you will feel betrayed, unloved, angered, jealous, and being used and at the same time the memories of happy moments you shared can be haunting, making moving on with your life uneasy

The story captures how we feel when we realize that the fire in our partner's gaze vanishes, our feelings will be profound, showing that Love can be a source of pleasure and pain.

In all, what I can say is that intimate relationships are bittersweet and that Love can endure even when we are hurt emotionally.

Thank you so much for teaching this creativity @joslud and @solperez. I appreciate you ❤!



¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

El telegrama era un escritura bastante particular y si te soy honesta, lamento que se haya perdido esa práctica porque a través de ella nos podíamos comunicar sin tanto maquillaje literario.

¿Sabías que con el telegrama se aplicaba el habla primitivo? Y, si no tenías este conocimiento te cuento que, se le señaló así porque su objetivo era enviar un mensaje sin utilizar tantas palabras, ya que el costo era muy elevado.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Indeed we are learning daily! Thank you so much for this information, I will never forget it.

Hey, I appreciate your visit and your great contribution!

Intimate relationship are always bitter sweet just like you said. sometimes it gets so lovely, other times you could think about how it all got this bitter.
Wonderful creativity in your writing.