Write in micro size| 1st Week | SLC Season 21
Steemit Learning Challange- Weak-1, Season 21 |
Task 1: Write a micro story
Welcome to Steemit Learning Challange, week 1, season 21. The teaching team of @joslud and @solperez is helping in learning about the world of micro-literature.
"The story is about Goddess Sati & Lord Shiva. Both are in the leading role of the story. Sati was the incarnation of Shakti. She was born to King Daksh and Prasuti. Sati liked Lord Shiva and wanted to marry him but the king didn't like Lord Shiva as Sati's husband. Although Sati married to Shiva finally after worshipping him. After marrying Lord Shiva when Sati returned home, his father king Daksha welcomed her happily but he was not happy with this marriage. He didn't like the way Shiva lived. Let's know what happens ahead." |
🔱Story of Sati & Lord Shiva
राजा दक्ष सती के पति भगवान शिव की जीवन शैली से खुश नहीं थे। उन्होंने एक बार यज्ञ का आयोजन किया और शिव का अपमान करने के लिए शिव के अलावा सभी देवताओं को निमंत्रण दिया। सती बिना निमंत्रण अपने पिता के यज्ञ में गई। राजा दक्ष ने शिव के बारे में अपशब्दों का प्रयोग किया। इससे सती क्रोधित हो गई और यज्ञ की अग्नि में कूद गईं। शिव ने क्रोध में अपनी तीसरी आंख खोलकर तांडव किया और राजा दक्ष का सिर काट दिया। ऐसा लगा जैसे शिव के क्रोध से दुनिया का अंत हो जाएगा। लेकिन देवताओं के अनुनय विनय से शिव का क्रोध शांत हुआ और उन्होंने राजा दक्ष को बकरे के सिर के साथ पुनर्जीवित किया। उसी समय मां सती के शरीर के टुकड़े जहां गिरे उन स्थानों पर 51 शक्तिपीठों की स्थापना हुई।
English translation of the story👇
King Daksh was not happy with the lifestyle of Sati's husband Lord Shiva. He once organized a Yagya and invited all the gods except Shiva to insult Shiva. Sati went to her father's yagya without invitation. King Daksh used abusive words about Shiva. This made Sati angry and jumped into the sacrificial fire. In anger, Shiva opened his third eye and cut off the head of King Daksh. It seemed as if the world would end due to Shiva's anger. But due to the persuasion of the gods, Shiva's anger subsided and he revived King Daksha with the head of a goat. At the same time, 51 Shaktipeeths were established at the places where the body parts of Mother Sati fell.
Source of my research - Story of Lord Shiva & Sati
Shiva is considered to be the God of Destruction. He is one of the trio Brahma (creator), Vishnu(Sustainer) & Mahesh(Destructor). Mahesha is Shiva's name. A large number of devotees of Shiva are there in Hindu religion. It is said that he gets pleased very soon if someone worships him. He is the controller of all the spirits and negative energy.
Here the task 1 completed given by the teaching team of @joslud and @solperez . This is my first time when I am participating in Steemit learning challenge. If any correction or suggestions are there, kindly let me know. Thank you🙏💐
लेखक | ![]() |
शीर्षक | Write in micro size -1st Week - SLC Season 21 |
दिनांक | 30 अक्टूबर 2024 |
स्थान | प्रयागराज |
Your story in Canva.com format
You can share it on your social networks.
Thank you @joslud
Respete exactamente el límite de palabras o menos.
Título creativo que genera curiosidad
Desarrollar un conflicto o situación interesante
El final sorprendente crea una impresión duradera en el lector
La reflexión aporta aspectos culturales relevantes.
Nota: Si no estás de acuerdo con algunas observaciones, por favor, házmelo saber. Saludos.
Total: 2.25 de 3
Thank you @solperez, I am going to do the needful correction in my post. 🙏
I think...now it is done ✅.
Bien. Ahora sí corregiré. Gracias por atender a mi llamado. Un abrazo
kisah anda tentang para dewa yang berada di langit, dimana saya juga heran para dewa ternyata suka juga menggosipkan dewa yang lain 🤭maaf saya bercanda..
Dewa siwa naksir kepada anak dewa daksha dan ingin menikahinya, namun di tolak, karena dewa siwa barangkali jelek, pemarah dan jorok, namun sati anak dewa daksha, terlanjur jatuh cinta dan akhirnya mereka menikah juga (siapa yang menikahkan mereka?)
Namun Dewa daksha tidak suka dan setiap ada acara makan bersama dewa siwa dan sati tidak pernah di undang, mereka malah menjelek-jelekan Dewa siwa di hadapan para tamu, sehingga saat sati tiba-tiba datang ke rumah ayahnya dan mendengar pembicaraan mereka Dewi sati marah dan membakar dirinya hidup-hidup. Mengetahui istrinya bunuh diri karena fi hina oleh mertua dewa siwa pun membunuh mertuanya, namun para tamu yang juga para dewa membujuk agar siwa jangan emosi begitu tak baik. maka siwa menghidupkan kembali ayah mertua tetapi dengan kepala kambing...
Benar-benar pertempuran tingkat dewa, semoga di langit selalu damai, cerita anda membuat kita memikirkan bagaimana suasana di surga.. terimakasih krisna sudah berbagi cerita dewa, semoga anda sukses.
Religious stories are myths and with a lot of surprises and unbelievable things. If you think of relevancy, you would found only a little of your concern. The story has only thing to be learnt from that we should do whatever needed for our beloved person. Thank you for showing interest in my post.
benar sekali, saya setuju
No usó la etiqueta., Sí mencionó al equipo docente en todos los comentarios
Muestra respeto en todas tus interacciones
Expresa opiniones con claridad y respeto
Ofrezca sugerencias constructivas y útiles
Cumple con creces el requisito de más de 4 comentarios.