Why Epoxy won’t suffice in Holland, Michigan?

in #michigan5 years ago

Holland Michigan is one of the uprising residential areas in Michigan and the United States. Therefore for sound infrastructure, a lot of industrial floor painting is essential. But is Epoxy the right solution? On the popular belief, the answer is No. Below we will find out why Epoxy won’t work in Holland, Michigan.

Strong Toxicity

When the Epoxy floor is applied, a strong smell appears when the floor is wet. The smell can be really toxic when applying as the ammonia smell is toxic enough to cause side effects to people living in nearby areas. There are a lot of older people residing in there, and as it is an emerging residential city, such smell causes health deterioration in many forms: sore eyes, throat, lung infection. People who are asthma patients are the biggest vulnerabilities.

Compromises Operation

Using Epoxy paints has a big drawback: it takes a much longer time to dry its paints. Manufacturers spend time on fixing the priorities straight, as they can’t afford to halt the operation for long period of time. For floors that are coating with Epoxy it takes much longer time to cure properly. Installation can take as long as a month to completely dry and cure completely. Be it a homeowner or office owner, such activities create inconvenience to their operation as they can’t be willing to take the breaks.

Temporary Flooring Solution

When the process is slow, and the price is costly, you might think that it’s a long-lasting solution. On the contrary, it’s a temporary solution. Epoxy painting won’t be done with autopilot. One needs steel or other materials on the floor, to bring a balance onto it. Once it is over, the coat is applied. The coat is a temporary solution, and need to be done quite frequently. Such coating is done on high-frequency floors. If any roads and highways are applied with such coating, it becomes impossible to maintain it quite regularly.


When applying Epoxy on floors like a garage, storage areas, and highways, the frequent coating is needed. Epoxy flooring doesn’t do wonders in high traffic areas because of two reasons that make it unsafe. Firstly the surface cracks easily, which means extra labor costs are incurred. But most importantly, as it takes a longer time to dry, the floor becomes extremely slippery during wet times. So if a highway is coated with Epoxy and hasn’t been dried yet, this can cause fatal accidents. Therefore a lot of materials needed to be added to avoid slipperily.

With all the demerits epoxy possesses, each problem is solvable. But being so expensive method and engaging additional requirements makes it exorbitant, does it really worth it?