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RE: Is MGTOW a Problem for Society?

in #mgtow6 years ago

You got cause and effect the wrong way around.

MGTOW isn't the cause of the destruction of the nuclear family.

MGTOW is the effect of an already destroyed nuclear family.

Men have no hope to have a nuclear family of there own and therefore go MGTOW.


vermithrax, I am not sure if you are responding to me or not but you are saying exactly what I said so I am confused about your statement saying I have it the wrong way around.

"Blaming this issue about the nuclear family on MGTOW [...]is like blaming the cows for being turned into steaks on the BBQ for being tasty."

"MGTOW is not a reason for the decline of the nuclear family, it is a result from the elements of society that has been the reason for the decline of the nuclear family."

Either way, thanks for the comments.

It was an answer to @t-mo 😉

Sorry, Yes I totally agree with you. MGTOW is a reaction

There are still some good women out there. You're just looking in the wrong places. Lot's of bad women and men out there too.

If you are lucky you find them and that is not the way it is supposed to be. Also, who is to say that 'good' women are not going to be poisoned by all the influences that are prevalent in our societies today. Additionally, I totally agree with you about the ‘wrong’ places. However, once upon a time, the wrong places used to be quite few and far between, today, it is the complete opposite. Where are the ‘right’ places today?

I advise to not marry today. How messed up is that? There are many cons to marriage for a man today and absolutely no pros to get married that cannot be obtained without being married. Honestly, what are the pros for getting married that cannot be debunked or obtained without marriage? Fidelity? Companionship? Children?

I honestly cannot name one. I used to say for the children, that a nuclear family is so important for children, which it is, but does being married ensure that with divorce rates today? Also, can’t I be in a nuclear family without being married today?

Society is really in trouble when there is a large subsection of societal men (MGTOW) actively promoting not to marry (justifiably so), the one thing that truly makes women happy, the one thing that makes women complement men and men compliment women.

The sad thing is many of us feel that going back to the paradigm of the 1950s (TradCons) is going the magically fix things. Once you see something it can’t be unseen and that is where women are today. I know where the solution lies, but I also know that the only way for it to prevail is not going to happen.

Here is a video that describes a bit of the problem. The solution being promoted is your observation, men are looking in the wrong places. Those places are become fewer and farther from our reach. The habitat of the happy women is slowly disappearing and soon ‘the happy woman’ will be extinct.

I'd say a church (not apostate). Biblical manhood and womenhood fixes a lot of those problems. As for a secular humanist I have no idea where one would look. But like I have said before I look at everything through a biblical prospective. So to each there own.

I think that is horrible . Firstly, that means 30% are just out of luck. Secondly, there are a lot of horrible people that go to church. Your chances of finding that 'right' person is probably the same if not less than divorce rates which are over 50%.

It is easy to see the crisis that is upon us. I keep seeing some future dystopia were we farm people. Personally, I would prefer to be a part of a different society that is populated with like-minded people regarding the nuclear family.

Well like I said I think through a Biblical world view and yes there are bad people in churches but a lot of good ones as well if you can find a KJV church. I can also see your point of view albeit I just don't agree one hundred percent. I didn't write the rules God did. So i'm just calling it like I see it.

P.S. you should try give Jesus a try. I promise you won't regret it!

No God didn't write the current rules and I'm not saying this because I am an atheist.

I'm saying this because that new religion called feminism wrote the rules. Read and listen to Rev Jules Gomes.

His speech at the International Conference on Men's Issues (2018) was pretty epic:

I have heart this argument quite often. The problem is: There are not enough good women out there. In fact: There are not enough women for all men in total as there there are more men then women born and women are more likely to share a high status male.

And there might not stay good either. @h20ho point s that out as well. 30 years ago (yes the problem is that old) Asia was hailed as the place to look for good women.

Problem is: Once the asian women start living in a western society and learn the language they become just as dangerous (as in likely to divorce you) then western women.

Which again points to our society being fundamentally broken.