EOS Knights-This time it failed !!

in #mgsc5 years ago (edited)


EOS Knights is the first mobile RPG game that runs on EOS blockchain.It was the first of its kind to run on the EOS blockchain.
The game starts after the user acquires with EOS for their first warrior, and 0.2 EOS to buy their archer and 0.4 EOS to buy mage.They will fight with goblins until death and after death they will give you precious items or material,which can be equipped
to make your warriors stronger,craft them or sell in the P2P marketplace.

The reason why the game start to loose its users because of many reasons.Firstly they didnt have their own NFT or any rewards pool
of any kind.The only way to profit from this game was by selling items/materials.Secondly they didnt acquired CPU cost of their users
as compared to their competitor and similar mobile game Crypto(EOS) Dynasty,escpecially during the CPU congestion period in the EOS
Blockchain.This let many to beleive that they dont care about their users.It was during this time they lost majority of their users including

The game can still be found in the Play Store but is full of bugs and crashes,and i guess their devs have stopped working on it.
This were some of the key points why EOS Knights failed to stay in the dapp market though having a large in-game potential.

Hope you liked my Post here :)

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