Are you sleeping in the right direction?

in #mgsc7 years ago (edited)


Sleeping is the most profound experience for most of people sleep is the best way to get rest and recover the body from lethargy but did you know really in which direction you should sleep

We all know that their is magnetic force in the earth which is north pole if you keep you head to the north pole and sleep it could lead to distrubance to the sleep if one is sensitive it can do more damage to brain and body bcz of the magnetic force the blood slowly get attracts towards your head and most of us know that blood contains amount of iron which can lead magnet field to attracts towards your head if more then what is needed is pushed in brain then it can lead hemorrhage and other fetal disease

if you live in india then you should sleep in the direction of east which is the best direction and if not east then west or south never sleep in the north direction it could lead disturbance to the body

Hope you like the post thank you


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This is such a nice article.. now i understood why my mom always says it

Great post now I understand why my grandmaa
Soculd me to sleep in south direction