Why rank of india get worsen in global hunger index

in #mgsc7 years ago

Hello steemit friends, i am here to share my views why rank of india is falling in hunger index and why the nation is suffering from poverty.
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As per the reports india is the 6th wealthiest country in the world. Our economy is increasing day by day. In the other hand indias rank in global hunger index 100th among 119 countries which has gone down 45 ranks since 2014.

The major cause of this problem is the increase in population. Population also is the main reason of poverty. Poverty restrict the food choice and has been the causative factor of hunger related death. Population of india is increasing day by day due to which unemployment rate is also increasing. High population leads to high level of illiteracy, poor health and malnutrition. Population is also the cause of lower capita income.

Apart from this unskilled labours are paid very low inspite of hard work. In india job opportunities are less but the job seeker are larger in number.

Indian government take effective and strict steps to limit the population growth and should increase job opportunities. Government should start schemes to skill the unemployed so that the unemployed can earn by their skill knowledge. At the same time government should really find a way to impose minimum wages standards for the unskilled worker.
Poverty should be eradicated from india to decrease the hunger level as every person has the right to live a healthy life.

If you guys read my article please comment your opinion. Thank you.


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Yes, the population can be a problem, but for that Indians have the reputation to be ambitious, that's why their country is become stronger on the economical viel and grows since some years.

Here in the western world it's the contrary, the society seems to be rich compared to coutries like India, but some people are cozy without ambition, what's one of the reasons why Europe lost more and more of his prosperity.

Who knows what's the situation in some years, I think there's a lot what varies in this world.

Agree with ur view.