social issue#1 : why rain and flood are nowadays becoming same thing ?

in #mgsc6 years ago (edited)

Hello friends ,

Nowadays its being common to hear the news headline - " Due to heavy rainfall 5 died " , " Due to flood 100+ are missing " ,
"Rain water jumps into residential area , people are living a floating life " , and the latest one that i have heared -" Rain water filled in hospital and ICU unit is filled with water ".
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This is becoming common day by day and hearing news of death due to rainfall it doesnt feel dreadful , because its happening each and every time and each and every day . but why is it being noticed again and again nowadays , It didnt happened earlier ?? Is media showing it more and more for trp ?? or due to advancement in technology things are spreading faster than earlier ??
But why we are facing such a situation ??, cant we reduce it or stop it . There are many questions lets see them
Lets talk about it , and please give your suggestions upon it :-)

There are two faces when talking about any problem :-
1.) Causes .
2.) Prevention.

Lets talk about natural causes of flood .
(i) Heavy rain :- The simplest explanation of flooding is heavy rain , but no matter where you live , you are surrounded by basic infrastructure and system designed to move rainwater into basins and reservoirs . in cases when it is normal raining the system work , but when it is heavily raining our system chocks and rain water started to fill on roads coming out from drainage and reservoirs . heavy rains take a lot of soil with it that stucks inside drainage system . and chocks whole line and system gets fail here.

(ii) Overflowing rivers :- But do not necessarily need to have heavy rains to experience flooding in your area if your living in coastal area of river or residing a little far from river . Due to heavy rains , river flows upstream from normal level and it could be a serious overflow where you live . The responsibility of these river water management is of government and we know in our country how government works , lets not get into it . So sometimes government have to take hard decision like opening dam gates for flow of water, which could causes a sudden increase in water level .

(iii) Melting of ice and glaciers :- As we all know that due to evolution of science there are many advantanges and disadvantages , and the disadvantages are on environment . so global warming is the biggest disadvantage for us , causing large glaciers to melt . these glaciers can be as size of some countries . when these glaciers melt they increase global sea levels causing high tides and flood. melting of ice glaciers is really an issue to worry about for life over earth .

(iv) Channels with steep side :- Flooding often occurs when there is fast run of into lakes , rivers and other reservoirs. This is often the case with rivers and other channels that features steep sides , this is similar issue to lack of vegetation . Lyk when rain water comes to earth surface a part of it is taken by vegetation for their nourishment . Higher the vegetation , higher is the amount of rain water consumed and lower the vegetation , lower is the amount is consumed and water is wasted into drainage and sewere causing flood.

But these are natural reasons and happening from centuries , then why problems are increased now .
So the moderm reasons of flood is human and its creations and carelessness on top of it not any interest shown by government ,lets discuss about them :-

(i) Urbanization (concrete and buildings) :- The main reason of flood is concrete which we can see everywhere . in earlier times when the rain water comes to earth surface , it get absorbed into soil and through it goes to vegetation and remaining goes into underground water sources or water table which are naturally made . Then through these sources water was taken out by handpumps and wells .
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But nowadays due to concrete, maximum rainwater could not reach to soil or earth's surface and through drainage iy is again diverted to ocean , sea and rivers . Causing an increase in their levels. and the other disadvantage or problem caused due to it is lack of vegetation . Rain water doesnt reaches to vegetation and causes feding of them , which is a reason of global warming too and this cycle continous .
The third disadvantage of this is lack of water in water table or underground sources. Cause of dry wells , no water in handpumps amd tubewells too . and the water converts into flood.

(ii) Deforestation:- When deforestation occurs in particular area , there a re no more trees to help soak up precipitation and reduce waterflow over landscape. Without these natural protections, there is an increased risk of flooding and erosion whenever it rains.

Impereable surfaces , Bridge constructions , Flood embankments , Climate change are also some man made causes of flood . But the main causes are Urbanization and deforestation.

Other than these causes media also shows news more than that had happened , if 70% damage has been done media will show u 90% and repetitively which just fix into your head.

Now enough of reasons and causes has been discussed.
We need to look after some preventions and steps that could make a change.
GUYS who all are reading this , plzz plzz plzz do folllow these and contribute by applying these methods and make a little change for our society and our earth :-) .

So by not wasting much of your time , Quickly going to explain 2 important ways to prevent with are most necessary

  1. Rain water harvesting :- The most important way which if everyone follows could reduce 50% chances of flooding.
    The most simple and basic step towards a healthy planet .
    Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rain water for reuse on site, rather than allowing it to run off . Rain water can be collected from river or roofs and in many places , the after collected is redirected to a deep pit (well,shaft or borehole) . A reservoir with percolation or collected from dew or fog with nets or other tools . Its uses includes water for garden, livestock, irrigation, domestic use with proper treatment, indoor heating for houses etc. The harvested water can also be used as drinking water , long term storage and for other purpose such ground water recharge .
    The rain water harvesting is one the simplest and oldest methods of self supply of water for households ususally financed by the user.

A rain water harvesting system has 3 steps they are :-

(i) Collecting and transporting water :-
This is done through catchment area and conduits . The catchment of the water harvesting system is the surface which recieves rainfall directly.
It can be a paved area like the terrace or the courtyard of the building . Conduits are the pipelines which carry rainwater from the catchment or rooftop to the harvesting system .

(ii) Filtration :- A filter unit is a chamber filled with filtering media to remove debris and dirt from the water before it enters the storage tank or recharge structure

(iii) Storage in tanks for reuse / Rechaging the undergroung water levels :-
The harvested water can now be stored in storage tanks for immediate usage , which are designed according to water requirements of the society.
Existing non portable water storage tanks in the ssociety can also be used to store the harvested.
the collected water can also be used to recharge the groundwater levels by using structures like dug ,wells, borewells , recharge trenches and recharge pits.

  1. Metropolian Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel :-
    It is an underground water infrastructure project in japan . it is world's largest underground flood water diversion facility
    built yo mitigate overflowing of the city's major waterways and rivers during rain and typhoon season .
    Work on the project started in 1992 and was completed by early 2006 . It consists of 5 containment silos with heights of 65m and diameter of 32m , connected by 6.4 km of tunnels , 50m beneath the surface as well as large water tank of height 25.4m , wuth length of 177m , with a width of 78m and with 59 massive pillars connected to 78 10MW (13000hp) pumps that can pump upto 200tons of water into edo river per second .

Please share your views on this issue and also give your suggestion what all things we need to do for prevention of this problem.

Thank you :-) .


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