I Don't Believe This Woman! #MeToo Accuser vs. Judge Kavanaugh

in #metoo6 years ago

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is accused of “attempted rape” by a liberal Palo Alto, California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford, who participated in Women’s March and was encouraged to come forward by the Me Too movement. She’s represented by #MeToo lawyer Debra Katz who’s a liberal who goes easy on accused Democrats, and brings up Anita Hill who accused Justice Clarence Thomas.

I don’t believe this woman! RINOs Jeff Flake & Bob Corker want to delay the vote. Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski too. Flake hates Trump almost worse than John McCain did (who died)! Sen. Dianne Feinstein has vampire eyes, no life, she’s dead.

Democrats don’t like values; they don’t like God. Trump speaks and stands up for Christians and for Kavanaugh.

Originally aired Tuesday, Sep 18, Hour 1, segment 2-4

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As it pertains to pretext, it is possible that she is telling the truth. However, when you place it into a context, it is very unlikely that she is telling the truth. The Dems made it clear that they were going to oppose the Confirmation from the get-go. We have a group of people who lied about Mitt Romney's taxes; support abortion by using the phrase "non-vital" (which is something that Hitler would say); they lied about the homosexual gene to advance their cause; etc. Based on all of this, I would not be surprised if the therapists notes from 2012 are fraudulent and the Dems put this whole thing together. That is what you call context. Also There are too many character witness's for the nominee.