Progress Report (9th Oct. – 13th Oct.)
Metaverse is a public blockchain project that aims to provide decentralized services based on digital assets, digital identity and value intermediaries in order to build an open ecosystem in which digital value can be freely circulated. Detailed information can be found in our white paper ( ), which is actively being revised.
We are trying our best to update all our social media channels in a timely and thorough
Note: As we had a one-week bank holiday, this report only contains one week progress.
Week in Review
Trading Platform
We are super pleased to announce that Metaverse is now trading on BITSUN.NET(

BitSun is a Singapore exchange which lists only the top coins — ETH, ETC, LTC, and BCC.
Web Wallet Development Progress:
• Get public key -- filter multisig address parameter
• Remove upgrade database process in initchain
• Modify windows webpath direction
Mobile Wallet Development Progress:
• Token Master (Android version V0.8.3) has been upload to Google Play market, this is an emergency version that fixed domain name issue. Please download new version as soon as possible.
Metaverse Roadmap:
We are currently focusing on developing asset re-issuance and asset freezing functions, as well as the basic functions supporting digital identity. Our dev goals for the coming quarter are as follows:
- October
- Development and beta testing of Digital Identities
• Launch the decentralized matching orders Metaverse Improvement Proposal (MIP)
• Promote our open source community - November
• Digital Identity will be integrated into the wallet in the form of an MIP. We are waiting for a large number of test reports from the testnet.
• Metaverse’s matching orders will enter beta testing phase. - December
• code development related to Metaverse’s consensus mechanism upgrade, asset reissuance, asset freezing
• some basic digital identity functions will be completed.
A rough outline of our goals for the first half of 2018 are:
- Feb 2018: make progress on code development related to upgrades of digital identity functions, Oracle mechanisms for digital identities, asset pledging and digital asset exchange.
- May 2018: activate the MIP function if it is able to gain widespread support among the community.
Other information
• Metaverse CSR – a visit to Shanghai Children’s Medical Center (SCMC)
Metaverse staff visited Shanghai Children’s Medical Center (SCMC) as one of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) volunteer activities on October 12, 2017.
• We would launch a new project: Metavese Weekly Express. This express collects novelty or related news of blockchain area. It’s coming soon this week, Stay tuned for us!
• We’ve been receiving requests for an AMA. Let us know if you would like one!
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