Tarot Wyzdom with Love: How to Dissect the Tarot Cards
Don’t have a scalpel? Don’t worry.
For dissecting the tarot you only need a good deck of tarot cards.
If you don’t know what a good tarot deck is then, go ahead and click over to my last post in this series of
10 articles designed to quickly get you using your cards like a pro.
9 Important Things to Know for Choosing and Cleaning Your First Tarot Deck
If you missed the first post in this series,
7 Steps in 30 Minutes or Less to Learn the Tarot Cards,
Click on the link above to get caught up.
Every Tarot deck has:
A. 78 cards
B. Two main groups:
- The Major Arcana (22 cards)
- The Minor Arcana (56 cards)
Within the Minor Arcana, there are many other groups.
First, the Minor Arcana is broken into 2 main groups:
1. Number Cards (40 cards) numbering one through ten in four distinct groups.
2. Court Cards (16 cards) are traditionally containing a Page, Knight, Queen, King
There are forty numbered cards.
Next, those 40 cards are divided into 4 distinct and equal groups .
Each of the 4 groups contains 10 cards, numbered 1-10.
Additionally, each of the four groups of numbered cards represents one of the four elements: earth, air, fire and water.
3. Earth (Pentacles, Coins, Disks) Physical such as money, work, skills, family, friends, possessions
4. Air (Swords, Knife) Mental
5. Water (Cups, Vessels, Bowls) Emotional
6. Fire (Wands, Rods, Batons) Spirit, passion, change, evolution
Then, there are 16 cards of the Minor Arcana belonging to the group called
the Court Cards.
Those 16 cards are then divided into
4 groups and 4 groups again.
Let me explain.
The court cards can be separated into
- A. 4 groups of elements
or - B. 4 groups of Court status, as explained in the photo below.
Activity: Dissecting your tarot cards.
- Sort out your cards into the 2 main groups. What are they called?
- Sort the minor group into 2 groups. What are those called?
- How many many ways can you sort the 2 groups of the minor arcana?
- Can you find the 9 groups in the tarot sorted by numerology that include both arcanas?
HINT: This sorting does not include the court cards.
Sugggested further research and resources list:
(clicking through these links and/or making any purchase through them supports me as we build a more loving world and continue the Epic Journey.)
Suggested Beginner Books
- Tarot for Beginners: A Holistic Guide to Using the Tarot for Personal Growth and Self Development by Meg Hayertz
- How to Read Tarot: A Modern Guide by Jessica
- The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot by Johannes Fiebig
Upcoming Tarot Course Study Materials
- Universal Waite Tarot
- Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness (A New Edition of the Tarot Classic) by Rachel Pollack
- Thoth Tarot Deckby Aleister Croweley
- The Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols by Angeles Arrien
As always,
Love is available
for a variety of tarot readings to support you in creating the future you desire.
Tarot Wyzdom with Love
is now taking appointments.
In the next article of this series,
we will take a closer look at the
16 Court Cards.
Remember to...
Share the love with Love

To analyze tarot cards, you need to know the meaning of each card in upright and inverted form. You also need to learn to feel what the tarot cards are telling you. Actually, I want to share with you a link to the tarot community https://spiritualteacup.com/t/tarot-spreads where you will find useful information about various tarot spreads. If you are a beginner, I advise you to take note of the top tarot spreads for beginners.
To analyze tarot cards, you need to know the meaning of each card in upright and inverted form. You also need to learn to feel what the tarot cards are telling you. Actually, I want to share with you a link to the tarot community https://spiritualteacup.com/t/tarot-spreads where you will find useful information about various tarot spreads. If you are a beginner, I advise you to take note of the top tarot layouts for beginners.