STEEMZINE #16 - Becoming A Mentor Is My Greatest Achievement

in #mentoring9 years ago (edited)

Growing up I had many teachers, coaches and mentors. There was my father... who was an exceptional business man, my athletics coach who inspired me to be as physically strong as I could be, there was my maths tutor who would push me when I needed to be pushed and my english teacher who would encourage me to improve my writing skills. All of these people shaped me.

At times I even had one or two mentors which helped me hone my skills in a certain area. When I was 15 I had a fascination with screen writing. So, I found a mentor who would kick my ass and guide me to becoming a better writer. It was a tough love kind of interaction, but boy it paid off. 

Having a mentor when you are young is so important. 

These people can help shape your life and the success of your life. I am lucky I had encouraging parents who were never afraid to enlist other help when it came to me or my dreams. They would encourage me to learn from as many people as I could. It was their gift to me. 

I then became an adult and put the life lessons that I learnt along the way into action. However, it was my decision to give back and to come full circle in the chain of teaching.  

I reached out to a local organisation who was looking for private coaches and mentors to help young people put their dreams into action plans. I thought this was a great fit, I've worked across many disciplines, achieved many milestones and know how to break down reaching a goal. 

I was assigned a 14yo, Sam. 

Sam was like any typical teenage boy. He reminded me much of myself at that age, stars in his eyes but had no idea how to assemble the rocket ship to get to them. I first had a session with him and his Mom. She expressed her concerns and over powered the conversation of what she thought Sam needed. Sam sat still and let his Mom talk. A good kid by her definition. After his Mom had finished speaking, we agreed to spend the next hour whilst his Mom went shopping.

It was a wonderful first chat. He expressed a completely different view from what his Mom wanted, he wasn't interested in the things she said but he had is own ideas of his life. It is crazy how we can force ideas and wants on to others, thinking it is for their best interest rather than hearing the other out. Parents just want the best for their kids, but sometimes we all need to actually listen to what our kids are saying. 

Sam expressed he wanted to create an app, but he didn't know how to create one. He had a great idea and we started discussing the idea. I gave him many different viewpoints... at times I could see he was disheartened because reality of certain things were becoming apparent. But, at the end of the first session - we had an action plan in place for him to achieve his goal. 

5 sessions went by...

We had another catchup with his Mom. She was over the moon, Sam had improved in school, he was more focused and happier. She put this down to the fact of having a positive and productive influence in his life outside the family. 

She was also impressed by how much work he had done on his App idea. 

It was through this time I learned the importance of sharing knowledge and helping others. I was helping shape a young man and helping him strive to reach the stars. 

What was great is after our initial year of mentoring. I kept in touch with Sam and his family. He has since gone on to work for a large technology company, straight out of high school. 

He got into that company and one of his portfolio pieces was the app we started to work on all those years ago. 

This has been my greatest achievement to date! I learnt just as much as I taught during that year with Sam, particularly the art of listening properly to what someone else is saying. Not what you think they are saying. 

I think it's time for round two! 

#mentoring #story #blog #life 


@steemzine Being a mentor is great.
Also, Yoda I love! :)

@virtualgrowth ! it is indeed, best thing I have done. Yoda <3

Yes.. I like Yoda..ha...ha. any way a good mentor will give us a better direction in our life :)

"There is no try, there is only do or do not." Yoda
My favorite quote of all time!

@matthewtiii Might be mine too!
I used to own two life size Yodas!

So true! Listening is the key to opening up the rocketship as you said. I see this lack of listening to your kids going on all too much. It is sad, but, I know the parents have dreams for thier children that may not coincide with the child's dream. Great job!

Truth be known, the apprentice/mentor process is the best education and completely fulfilling for both as it shapes their life and worth.

The concept of college for all is deeply flawed and as we can see a waste of time and money,wrought with stress and no guarantees. Mentoring an apprentice in a worthy skill is what we should be doing with our time.