When the LGBTPQWXYZ Community isn't all #loveislove

in #mentalillness6 years ago

Evidence of the consequences of normalizing mental illness.


Credit for all the screen shots below go to the twitter user @receipts4u


Dude you hang out in some damn strange places...

Cameron Diaz:

There are times when I'm unsure whether to laugh or cry, this is one of them lol .. on another note what the hell is a cis terf?

Yup, that’s 2018 for ya! A cis terf is a when you take nonsense and add a dash of insanity.... alternatively I think it’s means traditional lesbian? lol

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you nailed it again.

just a hundred years ago, when people lived or died by WHAT they & Their families alone where able to create from their Own hard work & survival skills- people such as this were almost NONEXISTENT.

Hard & Lean times may be upon us again, these are the types of people who I suspect have next to ZERO SURVIVAL Skills. They will be among the first to go.