Silver Stacker Since the Day I was Born... Literally

in #mene24k6 years ago (edited)


Today I found out what I had long suspected, that I’ve been a precious metals stacker literally since the day I was born!

The above photo is a sterling silver spoon I was given when I was born.... cue silver spoon jokes...

It was exciting to find out that I have always owned precious metals and started right away, and I mean RIGHT away. It is important to understand the place gold and silver should have in a portfolio. Especially when I ALSO received this message in the mail today:


Its a notice from my credit card company announcing my credit line increase.

So far so good.

UNTIL THEY CALL CREDIT “PURCHASING POWER.” Credit has nothing to do with purchasing power. Credit is actually “Debt Power” or “Borrowing Power.”

When I think purchasing power I think this:


When I think how to protect purchasing power I think about this:


When I think about how to protect purchasing power in STYLE I think about this:


And finally, when I think about singing about protecting purchasing power with my felIow Steemians think about this:

Thanks mom and dad, for making me a silver and gold stacker right from the start!!


Thanks for reading everyone,


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All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney:

What is Menē 24k gold and platinum investment jewelry?

I will let famous Steemian @coruscate explain:


We all should’a known... 😜👍

Gorgeous artifact GM

Thanks man lol! Did you enjoy the Karaoke?

I loved seeing Welshie! Great fun contest.
There’s some fun happening on ssg with a stackitus song, and i’ve been playing a little more, so you’re still deffo on my radar, just waitin’ for the ⚡️ to strike 😎👍

Awesome :)

Its a great work from you @goldmatters. The karaoke is precious bro...

I am glad you liked it

It is really a Gorgeous spoon for special people.

"Silver spoon'" - cue followed, but I'll keep the joke to myself :-).

That graph of loss of purchasing power of dollar is tremendously telling of the modern economics. If we find it too difficult to look thorough the modern economic jargon, then I propose a test.

Keep a pure silver or a gold coin (not a very expensive one) on the table and next to it keep a hundred dollar bill. Look at them together and contemplate about which one you like more. Not which one you want more (because then your most urgent need would come in play and would spoil the test).

You have your answer. Your instincts and genetic memory are telling you the right thing. It is gold and silver that have earned their place in history to be called real money and not a piece of paper that makes a false promise.

Totally agree! Well said

This is fantastic!!!! Nothing like being born with a silver spoon in your portfolio!!!!!

Thank you Dr. Vicki!! I don’t think it’s as lucky is being named “Sevin” but its pretty close ;)

I love it @goldmatters!! Well you are a great example of a precious metal lover, that's for sure! (it's infectious) I'm having a little trouble getting onto Steemchat at the moment, but as as I'm back on, I'll come say hi!

Ha ha! I hope my terrible singing didn’t make you plug your ears :)

They gave you a relic that marked your path in life 😄

As a child I did not have anything in silver or gold but when my two daughters were born the first bath of each one was in a small basin with a gold sovereign in the water. So they received the touch of gold since their beginnings. I am just waiting to continue that tradition with my future grandchildren. Maybe with Mene gold...

Thats very interesting! A golden family :)

I got to realise that purchasing power is protected in silver stacking.
The above statement makes a lot of sense to me. It’s like a store of wealth.
I never considered this. I’m learning daily.

Thank you for being open minded enough to learn :)

That is one fancy silver spoon @goldmatters! You're right, purchasing power is much different than increasing your credit card debt! I always enjoy your posts!

Thanks @jbcoin! Watch karaoke yet??

No, I want to, but staying at camp tonight and internet is terrible. I'll have to wait until I get a good wifi signal tomorrow. I am looking forward to it!

Hi Goldmatters. With more purchasing power you can go on a shopping spree at Mene. I have received one of those letters before. Just a reminder to spend money lol.

Wonderful it good to be brought up with such a beautiful thing like silver spoon, that is why you are a precious being. It make me remember the story "born of silver spoon" @goldmatters you are a precious human being to this platform.

Thanks for the compliment :)