Never Lose Those Keys Again: Memory Tips And Ideas

in #memory7 years ago

Never Lose Those Keys Again: Memory Tips And Ideas

Few things are more depressing than not having the ability to recall something that is important to you. Over the past several years, there have been some developments in memory retention. This purpose of this article is to review some of the most effective tactics for keeping your memory.

If you are looking to improve your memory a little bit, then use the knowledge that you have by teaching others. Doing this makes your brain fire in a different way, and it helps in increasing memory. The trick is to teach something that you are genuinely interested in sharing.


Eat more onions to improve your memory. A few studies have isolated fisetin to be of great benefit in improving the long term memory. You can find beneficial levels of fisetin in onions, strawberries, mangos and other plants. It also is a strong antioxidant so it will deliver other benefits to your body as well.

In order to remember where you put things, it is a good idea to organize your possessions. By having similar items put together, you do not have to worry about scrambling around, looking for things. Also, you can try labeling boxes or storage containers, writing down what is in each box. This is sensible, whether you have a good memory or not.

The easiest way to improve your memory is to get a good night's sleep! Sometimes our busy schedules make it seem like cutting out a few hours of sleep is the only way to be productive, but your brain needs rest to function at its best. Sleeping is also when your brain processes and stores your memories from that day.

Keep lists of everything. Keep a shopping list at all times. Hang it on your refrigerator. Every time you think of something you need, add it to the list. This will help make sure you don't forget anything. Keep lists for other things as well, such as things that need done around your house.

Most of us live in routines. Our lives are centered around having the same routine each day or each week. If we stray from that routine it can keep us from being able to remember things. Your routine is what is holding back your memory. Change how you do things each day to force your brain to develop new ways of remembering and sorting information.

It is important that you keep a daily routine if you want to improve your memory. By doing things at different times of the day, you may forget certain obligations. Try to stick with one routine for the weekdays when you are at work and one routine for weekends when you are home.


Putting information into categories will help you to remember it later! Everything has a category and compartmentalizing things in your memory by category can give you much greater recall. For example, chicken and hot dogs on your grocery list go into the category of meat and milk and water into beverages and so on.

Aid your memory by organizing facts into topic sets. Create outlines of study materials that are based on similar topics rather than when you originally learned that fact. Your brain remembers things better if they go together. By grouping similar concepts and topics together, you increase your chances of remembering those items later.

Use mnemonic devices to help you remember things. Mnemonic devices are sets of clues that helps by associating things that are usually hard to remember with things that are easier to remember. An example is using an acronym, rhymes, visual images, or even associating a funny story to whatever you want to memorize.

A good tip that can help you improve your memory is to get organized. If your home is a mess, how can you expect to think clearly? You'll probably wonder why you're always forgetting where you left your car keys. Getting organized will help you plan and remember things

Stress can interfere with your memory and make you more forgetful. Try to stay relaxed when learning new information or when trying to recall something. Take your time to remember whatever you have to, rather than getting frustrated.

If you are having a hard time remembering where a certain location is, do not be ashamed to use a map, that is what they are there for. Perhaps looking at a map to jog your memory one time can cause the location to stay in your mind for the next time you need to go there.

A good way to remember names and improve memory is to use pictures to associate with the names. If the persons name is Bob Frost, try to remember them covered in frost. If the persons name is Gemma Hand, try to picture them standing and applauding giving someone standing ovation or giving them a hand moving.

If you have a visual type of memory, use pictures, drawings and graphs to remember information. If this visual material is not a part of what you need to learn, you can easily create it yourself. Make sure you create clear pictures you will be able to understand later when you go over your information again.

It is impossible to remember something if you have not first learned it. Focus your attention on the item and really make an effort to learn it, and then review the information over and over again. Once you have done this a few times you should be able to remember the information without any problem, this tip works wonders for a lot of people.

Try your best to stay in the moment when you are learning. If you are distracted by the past or the future, you'll never absorb what you want to learn right now. If you're feeling overwhelmed by other events in your life, take a break and come back to learning later.


If you are serious about improving and protecting your memory, you will try out a few of these tips. Once you learn to better retain information, you'll find that your life is a lot less frustrating than it once was.