AI Image ... Garbage in Illusion OutsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #meme4 months ago

I decided to generate an AI image a day. My definition of day goes by sleep cycles and not the clock.

I consider the above image to be the tenth image even though it is after midnight when I posted it.

I was actually thinking about data when I decided to generate the image of a dump truck.

In the early days of computing, one often heard the phrase "garbage in garbage out."

It was not uncommon for companies to spend millions on a computer system. The systems would fail because the company had poor control of its data.

People were feeding garbage into the computer. The computer system would crunch the bad numbers and return bad results. This had the positive effect of making companies rethink their data.

I have not heard this term for a long time.

While looking through images on Night Cafe, it dawned on me that people can dump garbage into an AI. The AI will return visually pleasing results.

The visually pleasing results are deceptive in that the results mask over flaws in the underlying data at the base of the results.

Are we now living in a world ruled by the aphorism "Garbage in ... illusion out?"

While generating the garbage truck image, I realized that Trump did a campaign stunt where he drove a garbage truck.

I researched the stunt. Apparently a right wing shock jock told a bad joke about garbage in Puerto Rico.

Biden responded with a retort in which Biden compared Trump voters to garbage.

I watched the Biden Video. The joke was stupidity flowing from the mouth of a shock. Biden's speech was really nasty.

I realized that I could transform a simple image of a garbage truck into a #meme by having a garbage truck driving toward the white house.

I wanted an old style garbage truck like they had back in the day when garbage collectors road on the back of the truck and hefted cans into the truck.

Night cafe simply didn't understand why people would be riding on the back of a truck.

People rode on the back of dump trucks so that they could pick up the garbage.

It looked like a fun job. Garbage collectors would ride on the back of a truck and toss bags of trash into the garbage truck.

The image of a dump truck driving toward the whitehouse might be a fun #meme for both Democrats (who see the GOP as garbage) and Republicans who want to clean up DC.

The real reason for the image was to express the phrase: "Garbage in. Illusion out."

Here is a link to the image.