
You do vote yourself most, by double #2, and if we checked, how many sock puppets you got on that list?

Don't lie!
We got folks that live to crawl through abusers lives and out them.
If you do have sock puppets, or are circle jerking a group, stop now.
It's best if you don't poke the bear.

Otherwise, do what you have been doing without so much self voting and SFR will ignore you.

Please check. No single one. You are obviously talking about your practice. I can't believe that you are attacking me. Thank you. That's all because I bought STEEM? Cool. I will sell some just now, and we are under 0.00002100. Good luck.

Nice dick move, dickhead!

My .02stu vote must have really pointed at yours and laughed, just a little too loud, eh?