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RE: An Existential Twist of the NPC MEME: The Fine Line Between Auto-Pilot and Cruise Control

in #meme6 years ago (edited)

The question was, are you aware of thoughts, very much like you're aware of feelings and sensations or are you actually thinking and therefore you ought to be able to stop thinking like any such activity would warrant if you were the one in control? Why do you believe that you cannot know the difference when clearly the proof for "I think therefore I am" would simply to stop thinking, or else you're not the one thinking any more than you're the one making or actively creating the feelings or sensations you experience. It's the same for the "narrator" you have as thoughts or the "screen" upon which visuals occur as is for your feeling of identity, they happen without any involvement on your part, and contrary to any effort you might muster to avert them from happening.

The difference between a dream and waking reality is readily verifiable, even, and especially in lucid dreaming. In dreams, there's no continuity, so that if you, while lucid, wrote something on a blackboard and looked away, when you look back, without fail, every time you'd see that it invariably changed. Both dreams and waking reality are inherently illusionary as they constantly change, and as they constantly interrupt one another as does deep sleep or unconsciousness, as far as you experience yet the concreteness of reality and the concreteness of dreams as is the reality of unconsciousness, are all qualities that unmistakably you possess inherently.

If you're in a Matrix you revert to the same position of doubting everything about reality without any reason to do so, at least without any reason you could muster behind such a conspiracy, or simply because "it could be possible".

It's not absurd to assume yourself as being because you're assuming that being aware of thoughts means you're the one creating or manifesting the stimuli? Why must you validate such an undeniable thing as one's very existence and clearly accept something without any depth of investigation as proof of ones being? Does it not fail the litmus test for "I think" the moment that you recognize that thoughts happen as all other sensations do, without your accord, and if that fails, why would it invalidate ones being, or existence, which obviously doesn't cease in deep sleep even if you've no recollection of that, because clearly, you're uninterrupted, and without cessation, whereas reality, dream and unconsciousness/deep sleep cease and arise in you uninterrupted presence?

If anyone can validate such things, does that not prove their reality as you, as for how else could they validate your experience with such veracity, describing, without assumption, what you regard as real?

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