Adventures of a Novice Meditator: Looking Forward to the Next Now.

in #meditation6 years ago (edited)

After only a couple weeks, I’m now excited to meditate. I missed it yesterday and felt something was missing. I added a minute more onto my meditation today. It was 21 minutes, and it went by faster than the five minutes I did on the first day.

I positioned myself in a modified child’s pose. My hips are tight, so I’m unable to rest my buttocks on my heels without damaging my knees. I’m also unable to keep my back straight if I try to lower my hips too much. So, I sat there with my back straight, lower back, rear, and upper posterior of my legs in a deep stretch. I supported my torso by propping my elbows on the floor.

I focused on my breath, the in, the out, the between. I chanted long “Ohms” on my exhale. My face, being turned toward the floor, I had to fight to keep from drooling. Eventually I looked forward and continued to ohm with out the drooling distraction. After a bit, I stopped my mantra recitation, my mind was quiet. I had fallen awake, but only for a moment.

The moment it happened, I became aware of the quiet and the peace, the release- And with the awareness, the recognition, I lost it and fell out of rhythm. I instantly felt excited, anxious to continue my practice. Thoughts of sharing my meditation adventures rocketed into my mind, and it was all in a single instant. I shined a light on my thoughts, and as though caught, they dispersed like pranksters caught in the light of a flipped porch light.

I continued to let thoughts pass, I focused on the in, the out, and the between. I became more comfortable in my discomfort. Again, the realization excited me, prideful thoughts entered as though summoned, and I repeated the routine of clearing out the party.

I breathed in the quiet, gaining comfort in my uncomfortable position, a growing feeling of release, a release of mental tension, spiritual knots, and physical tightness.

My IPad timer chimed, sounding like a homing device. I opened my eyes, surprised and excited by how fast I’d traveled through the nows.

I look forward to the next now


Hands and knees, keeping back straight, trying to lower my but onto my heals.