Video: The Power of Conscious Awareness - Gelong Thubten

in #meditation7 years ago

In the video link below we have a new, radical perspective on Meditation.

We so often use Meditation as a means to an end.
It is ​commonplace to use Meditation as a search-tool in order to discover ​or acquire a certain sensation or result, rather than an end in itself.

As Thubten explains, when we meditate in order to achieve happiness we are implicitly admitting our own sense of lack, of insufficiency... of having to still 'do something' that is an outward practice.
Above all, we meditate in order to 'get rid' of stuff that bothers us. This is a mistake. Similar to the process of 'Letting Go - The Pathway of Surrender' by Dr David R Hawkins, Thubten invites us to become one with the feeling: to lean into it, be with it, make friends with it, and release it. We are invited to notice our microsensations​ and be at one with them instead of trying to suppress or resist them.


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Be not afraid to embrace the make the darkness conscious...

What you're about to learn is Meditation at its core: Compassion for All is the natural state of the mind. We are already enlightened; we just have to return to and remember this True Nature.

This is priceless, essential wisdom. Do enjoy!
