Do you see the buffalo eating grass getting bored? Do you see the birds or the monkeys bored? Why do humans?

in #meditation7 years ago

When buddha spoke of the 4 noble truths, he mentioned the first as the existence of suffering because we cling to things in this mundane world. When we recognize life IS mundane we can un-clutch from it. When that happens we can start enjoying life the way that it is. Like a buffalo eating grass, do you see it getting bored? No you don't, only humans get bored because we cling to the "grass" we cling to things in this life and we don't recognize that life is mundane. Adding excitement to it won't change the fact that life itself is mundane, there's nothing here to cling to. I recognize that when one reaches the point where they can enjoy housework and the daily routine of life, their meditation is complete. c0e2da7eb33158d7660a290606af9bf0.jpg


Ever watch Lions lying around. They don't look too excited.