Dolphin morning meditations.

in #meditation8 years ago

MORNING DOLPHIN MEDITATIONS You find yourself on a white sand beach. The location is the most beautiful and pristine island on the whole earth. There are beautiful palm trees and coconuts everywhere. There is nobody else around for miles. You feel safer and more relaxed than you have ever felt. You walk towards where the shore meets the water. You stick your right foot in the water to test out the temperature. The water is turquoise blue and you can see right through it. There are fish of every color imaginable- purple, orange, green swimming around your foot. Because the water is the perfect temperature, you put your other foot in the water. You take off your shorts and underwear and throw them two feet away, over to the sandy ground. You run about five meters into the sea and dive headfirst into on oncoming wave. You feel immersed in beauty. A strange thing happens. Even though you close your eyes, you can see everything under water. The sun shines down through the water and illuminates the beautiful sea horses scrambling past you. The water changes color to a light purple. You begin swimming freer and fuller than you ever have in your whole life. A beautiful dolphin emerges down under and comes face to face with you. The dolphin smiles wildly. You reach out to touch the dolphin’s smooth forehead. She looks into your eyes and sees the real you. For a moment you feel pain from the past – certain insecurities that you have not yet been able to free yourself from. The dolphin sees your whole life and begins to giggle. You look straight into the dolphins eyes and start to giggle too. Soon you realize you have nothing at all in this world, in this life, to be afraid of. She than rubs up against you as if trying to hug you. You throw your arms across the dolphin and hug her in close with your arms tightly wrapped around her, she begins to slowly swim. Even though you are under the water you have no problem breathing. Even though your eyes are closed you see everything. The dolphin begins to swim a bit faster and you continue on your journey. The water turns into an array of colors before your very eyes. Now green. Now blue. Now yellow. Even yellow. You look excitedly into the dolphins eyes and they widen as she takes you down into an underwater cave. In this cave is a tunnel and suddenly in this tunnel every pleasant feeling that you’ve ever felt in your entire life comes back to you. Everybody who ever made you felt great about yourself is visible to you, smiling at you from a screen in the tunnel wall. You remember people from high school who you haven’t seen in years. Compliments from the opposite sex about your attractiveness. People remarking on whatever talent you possess, all through your life. Every person you’ve ever loved and who has ever loved you is waving at you and beaming encouragingly. Your favorite memories of you and your family pop up on the screen. The time when you got along with your siblings the best, the memories of the best times ever in your entire life. People who you love who are now deceased are waving at you and smiling, throwing kisses at you. The dolphin is giggling all the while. Than he leads you into an underground cave. You see the person from your past who hurt you with an unkind word or deed. They are holding their arms out to you for a hug. You go and hug that person. They whisper “I am so sorry I did that to you” Into your ear. They pet the dolpin on the forehead and the dolphin giggles again, looking back and forth between you and that person. All three of you have a group hug. Than you go into another attached underwater cave- you see snapshots on the walls of this cave of every beautiful place you’ve ever been. Every moment where you have gazed out into a beautiful mountain sunset is visible. Every good memory in your entire life that brought beauty into your heart begins to play in a montage. You now see the moment where you felt the financially richest in your entire life. Maybe it was an extra large paycheck or a room in a beautiful hotel You savor that feeling of abundance and mix it with the feelings of love you have towards everyone in your life. You embrace the dolphin again. She swims you back to the shore through the warm water. As you approach the shore you see a hammock between two coconut trees. You go and rest in hammock under the shade of the trees and slowly fall deeper and deeper into bliss. The sun is shining on you, warming you just perfectly. Every molecule of your skin is taking in the delicious rays. In ten seconds you will return to your reality wherever you are. 1 you thank the dolphin for the wonderful ride 2 you thank the warm water for the refreshing comfort it brought you 3 you thank the beating sun that is warming up your heart 4 you thank the people in your life for all of their compliments 5 you thank the people in your life for loving you. 6 you thank the people in your life who have not always been nice to you for they taught you resilence and the weathering of storms. 7 you thank each and every experience that has brought you to this point 8 you thank the hammock for the rest you are currently appreciating 9 you thank the shade for the coolness it brings, a perfect contrast 10 You wake up.