Beware Rubbed Eyes Will Causes Blindness

in #medicine7 years ago

Eyes as the window of the world therefore the eye needs care. But not a few of us consider it trivial. But you know blindness can threaten anyone and cause blindness can be detached from the problem of offspring even seperrti cataract aging factors, ultraviolet radiation to things that seem simple like rubbing his eyes.

Rubbing his eyes is a reflex activity that is often done by us. This is usually done when our eyes are exposed to dust or other. Rubbing his eyes can indeed ease the itching and give a sense of comfort. But this is only for a moment and can even cause harmful effects such as myopic eyes, cataracts to death.

 To talk more about the health of the eye, is the smallest risk can injure the cornea. The most corneas clear front lining can cause injury. Tears in the cornea can be very sore and painful, indeed cornea itself corneal sensitivity levels 300 times more sensitive than the skin nerves.

What Risks More Weight Rubbed Eyes

Risks resulting from rubbed his eyes can lead to blindness. Habits are continuously rubbed his eyes, too hard and every day can increase the pressure on the eyeball. And for patients who have the talent or the talent glaucoma eye ball pressure is already high, with an emphasis rubbed his eyes it will aggravate the condition glukomanya.

Basically, if the case is rare but remains a risk due to rubbed his eyes it could happen and this is because there is a habit and talent glaucoma. On the cornea that looks translucent in the front where sometimes if it's too long rubbed his eyes in a long period of time and for many years can cause thinning of the central part of the cornea. 

Danger Use of Soft Contact Lens or Lens

Do you know the soft contact lens that we often use very dangerous for the health of the eye. On the condition of a person's eyes are different from the others, adan which had a dry eye condition or the use of contact lenses for more than 12 hours. This could trigger an increased irritation to the eyes. Besides it can also lead to infection of the eye. Longer than the use of a soft lens depending on the condition of each wearer's eyes.

If the condition of the wearer dry eye of a contact lens used is certainly going to increase the level of dryness in the eye. But more danger is why when we sleep oxygen entering through our eyes it is much reduced. and closed again using a contact lens before, later on it could increase the risk of eye infection higher. So it's best when going to bed, soon dislodged soft contact lenses or contact lenses that we use so that the risk of eye infection can be minimized. 


 "Sleeping Using Soft Lens may Increase Risk of Infection Eye"  


What Side Effects Using Eye Drops Drug Excessive?
Actually depends eyedrops used any kind. Because the eye drops in the market public and can be purchased freely, too many. There is the danger that can cause side effects such as premature cataract, and glaucoma and eye drops it quickly removes red eye irritation or eye drops, but in fact this is a hard drug. But kalu does use eye drops that are moisturizing eye was actually quite safe for eye drops that only serves as a moisturizing eye no preservatives are safe to use.

"Eye Drops Certain Drugs Have Side Effects of Early Cataract and Glaucoma."

Tips to Maintain Healthy Eyes
Tips to keep your eyes healthy to prevent rapid deterioration or call prevent irritation of the eyes is

  1. As much as possible we do not rubbed my eyes, because the eyes have a defense mechanism of tears and a wink. But if forced to be rubbed his eyes, then do it slowly.
  2. Sterilization container or Soft Contact Lens Lens. A place to store soft contact lenses may be a nest of bacteria if not kept clean.
  3. Wash eyes with water immersion betel leaves. Natural pengobata eye with betel leaves have become a habit of our society to deal with complaints of sore eyes. But in terms of medical sebettulnya betel juice is nature is anti-septic and have properties to clean. But you must be careful to do this because of the sterility of the processing methods, materials, and perhaps still less sterile so it could have would likely result in infection in the eye because it is not sterile things earlier.
"The use of Betel leaf decoction is wrong would aggravate the condition of irritation to the eyes."

For simple cases or on the Events mild eye pain, simply wipe clean the eyes with clean running water only. Karean if we for example smth or objects in the eye, with the water flow was expected to carry objects and easy to slip from the affected eye, and vice versa if we soak not be able to get out.

Herbs Create Eye Irritation
You know, it turns out slices of cucumber can help reduce eye irritation. It is very easy and simple: select the cucumber is still good then cooled or enter into a refrigerator before. Here are tips to complete:

  1. Choose a nice cucumber, then store in the refrigerator (the refrigerator)
  2. After a cold, thin cucumber slices tips
  3. Put cucumbers that have been sliced ​​earlier into a bowl of ice cubes
  4. Once cool, stick it on your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.

 Well that was a discussion about Rubbed his eyes, rubbed his eyes Risk, Danger Use of Soft Contact Lens or Lens, tips on maintaining eye health and also natural herbal remedies to overcome eye irritation. May be useful and do not forget to like and share this information so many people who helped her health with this information. Thanks and regards me @kayle


Never rubbing my eyes again :|

good information

thank you

Can you see my article ?

I also have this habit of rubbing my eyes as well. I try not to sometimes, but sometimes it's automatic in me.

Yes we rub our eyes often without us knowing it

Omg, this is true, something like this just happened to me, I rubbed my right eye 2 days ago when I felt itching and like usual I very rarely wash my hands so I probably transferred some bacteria to my eye, since I got an infection on the lower eye's red and swollen it burns and itches even more then before AAAAAAAR!! ;D Take care of your eyes guys!

Interesting read, thanks for sharing. I wonder, how long does it typically take for things to get really bad vision-wise, to actually lead to blindness? For actual blindness, have you ever heard of these smart glasses for blind? They help with "seeing" and daily activities, through their optical character recognition system. Definitely recommend--just thought I'd share!