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RE: Coenzyme Provides Another Clue To Ageing and Cancer

in #medicine8 years ago

I think that the main research and discoveries are yet to come. But there will be many other questions.
Humanity is already progressing in quantity. And what if you stop aging?
And will this be all for everyone?
Aging is a wise decision of nature or a mistake?
We still have to find out.
Interesting article, thank you.


Everyone wants to live long, but, unfortunately, healthy eating has become a fantasy...

Yes there are certainly ethical issues as it progresses!

Aging is a wise decision of nature or a mistake?

At least some studies point into that direction: in my article "Human immortality?" I wrote:
"Amazingly the concept to die and give ones genes to the next generation most of the time seems to be superior in evolution compared to the concept of immortality. The reason for that is that it allows to adapt more easily to a changing environment according to the motto "we age because the world changes" - also computer simulations seem to confirm that."9, 10



The more cycles of birth-death, the sooner the development takes place.

I respect your point of view to imagine and believe into reincarnation. Actually it is a very nice association. But as long as there are no real facts hinting in this direction, in my eyes it is kind of wishful thinking ... I cannot exclude the possibility completely, but according to what I know I consider it as not to be very likely ... Maybe we will know it after our physical death. :-)

There are interesting works: Osho Rajnishi, Carlos Castaneda, Raymond Moody and others.
This is certainly an amateur.
But the fact that we are not only a physical body but something more is a fact.
Plus consciousness and subconsciousness.
But we do not control our physical processes consciously.
Kind of like a driver in a car.
Do not stop at one point of view - be in constant search.

But the fact that we are not only a physical body but something more is a fact.
I am not convinced about that "fact" though. :) (I know about descriptions of near-death experiences etcetera, but without to open a full topic here, I just conclude that for now I am not yet convinced ... there are some biochemical explanations for these phenomenons as well.)
Do not stop at one point of view - be in constant search. :-)
I am always open to new findings: if something convinces me I am ready to change my point of view. I should emphasize again that I didn't write that any kind of reincarnation would be impossible by definition (I just don't know enough). But in general I don't believe in things which I cannot verify (I consider some of them as theoretically possible, but so far see no concrete reason to believe in them).
Are you also open to review your points of view? :)

Yes, I also try to make sure of personal experience. But you can come to some things logically. Look carefully at the history of mankind. Everything is based on the physical which is reduced to zero at the end of life.
In addition, all people are born like the same. But in terms of development they are different. And if we take ourselves then we feel ourselves eternally living. Despite the fact that we were born once and one day we die.
Take the physics. Scientists came to the need to recognize the existence of dark matter. Although they can not prove this physically.

I understand it. But I all the same believe that there is physical and there is spiritual. Physical clothing for spiritual fulfillment. And I tend to the point of view that the reincarnation of the spirit works. And the physical body is just a biocost.
In every part of the universe is the manifestation of a great mind and harmony. The physical is not an end in itself but a step in the chain of development.

People are not ready for spiritual immortality. But when they are ready spiritually, then they will not need it. Paradox. :)
Sorry for the comment. Maybe this is not entirely on the topic of the article. But this issue is being shakily affected.