How to Get Rid Of THC from Your System?
You’ve been waiting for that call all month long. You’re currently unemployed and hope that you can finally get that job you’re vying for. However, there’s a teeny-tiny problem: you smoked an awesome blunt at a party last week, and now that you got an offer for an interview, the drug test hangs like a sword over your head.

Image source: Weednews
You curse yourself and quickly decide that you’re doomed. There’s no way to way to flush that THC out of your system before the interview, and you’re a goner, you think? Well, not so fast. There are tricks to get around this too.
You will be surprised to know that while dangerous substances like cocaine and heroin take only 3-4 days to get out of your urine or blood, THC remains for at least 7-30 days. That’s because THC gets stored in fatty tissues in the body, including the brain. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this because THC works like Anandamide – a chemical naturally produced by the brain – and we benefit from it.
While Anandamide that controls many processes in our body has a short life, THC, on the other hand, has a long life. In other words, it means that our endocannabinoid system works better, and since THC fights cancer it’s great for our body. However, a drug test for a job is a completely different issue. You now want to flush out all the THC out of your body as fast as you can, but remember that we all are different.
Even if you’re a regular cannabis user, the amount of THC stored in your body relies on various factors including the metabolism, BMI, amount, and rate at which cannabis is consumed, potency, and the type of tests used to determine THC. For instance, a casual joint on a random weekend may not affect you too much. But, if you’re a frequent user, it may take up to 27 days for THC to leave your blood.
Also, since THC resides in fat stores located in the body, it will be released back into the bloodstream even if you burn extra fat. Actually, the best way to remove THC is to completely abstain from it, but if you can’t do that for some reason, here are a few ways to get around this problem:
• Detox drinks
Most cannabis users will agree that detox drinks are the first way to push THC out of your system. Basically, the idea is to dilute your urine to such an extent that it exudes toxins out of the body. It’s similar to laxatives and other products meant to clear things, and while some may really work, others may not affect you at all.
The fact is that we all respond to various treatments in different ways and there’s no way to determine if detox drinks will work for you until you test it yourself. Try to test the drinks at least 7-10 days before you take the test. In fact, I recommend that you test it leisurely instead of doing it at the last hour because you’ll be more confident as to how your body reacts to it. Follow the directions mentioned on the label and check beforehand if you’re allergic to any ingredients listed.
• Fruit pectin
If you’re in a pinch and need something to quickly eject the THC from your system, try the fruit pectin method. It’s a simple process that involves mixing the fruit pectin with electrolytes on the day you’re about to take the test.
Again, it’s best to experiment with this beforehand because it might not work if you’re a hardcore cannabis user. The fruit pectin contains high amounts of fiber and prevents the THC from entering the bloodstream or urine. In simple words, the pectin forces the THC to exit the system through your bowel movements.
• Eat the right food
While this may not work if it’s an emergency, eating the right food will help you prepare your body to remove THC faster. Firstly, you need to avoid any kind of fatty food as you already know that THC gets stored in fat. Fat is quick to absorb the THC and gives it more opportunities to re-enter your urine and bloodstream.
Therefore, consume foods such as whole grains and legumes that are high in fiber. Potatoes, tuna, and fruits like avocados that contain high amounts of niacin also work similarly. Vitamin C also works and you can drink as much lemon and orange juice as possible.

Image source: Waterstories
• Sweat
The more you sweat, the faster THC leaves you. You can sweat a lot by exercising, drinking more water or just visiting a sauna. One thing about water is that the more you drink it, the more you shed water, and this leads to THC getting flushed as soon as possible.
If it’s summer and really very hot, then it’s an added bonus as you’re going to be sweating more. Many people exercise a lot to sweat, but remember NOT to exercise on the day you’re taking the test as it can increase the levels of THC in your body as it’s released from the fat cells temporarily!
• Commercial products
With cannabis use on the rise, many companies have come up with several products to help you get your dream job. Of course, they are expensive compared to the natural ways mentioned above, but isn’t it worth spending some money to get your job rather than getting caught in a drug test? Your goal is to get things done fast, and your last option might be to research the topic more. Check out Test Clear, Clearchoice or Mega Clean to ensure that you get rid of the THC in 7-10 days.
It’s important to take the drug tests seriously. If you fail, it can shatter your confidence and also act as an impediment for further job opportunities. Naturally, you need to experiment and find various ways as it might not work at the eleventh hour. Don’t procrastinate and start working on this today!