MediBloc | A Great Project | MediBloc Blockcahin | A Great System
MediBloc | A Great Project | MediBloc Blockcahin | A Great System

Now I am telling about a great project MediBloc
So, Now Get started
What is MediBloc
MediBloc is a system which work is Saving Medical Reports Yes! It work Saving Medical Reports . It is working for peoples how when you went to a doctor and it write some medical tests and you spend money and waste time waiting for test report then then when you went to new doctor It once again ask for you for medical test Then, you once again repeat the producer money, time , pain . Now MediBloc took a system which save your medical data So you have always all your files and reports and you can give access to the data to new doctor it will save you money , time , and It let your doctor to verify your problem easily

Safety Of MediBloc
You are saving your files So, you also have to know its safety . It is so safe platform . Your data will not be given to any until you give permission to any person that why I am looking MediBloc as a big platform in future.
Its Blockchain and Airdrop

It have also its blockchain and cryptocurrency for developing a big system and safety . It is also running airdrop of their cryptocurrency you can Click Here This will take you to MediBloc Page Where the airdrop is available

Its cryptocurrency are
Its Software || How to access your data
It have a app software and website to access your data
About its team

Dr. Allen Wookyun Kho
Business Development

Dr. Eunsol Lee
System Architect

Chaeho Shin, CFA
Director of Operations

Taejin Yoon
Business Development Manager

Saehan Park
Full Stack Developer

Minkyoo Cha
Full Stack Developer
Seunghwan Kim
Jaeyoung Jung
Heekyu Kim
Hyunkyung Bae
Project Manager
Bokyung Min
Marketing Director
Minji Kim
Community Manager
Jemin Jeon
Sungjae Jung
Top Advisor

Hyun Wook Han
Head Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Informatics

Sang Min Park
Head Professor, Dept. of Family Medicine
My Opinion about MediBloc
I am seeing MediBloc as a great project and it will so popular in future I like its all feature because I have also seen all the problems . Every Body will like It
All Images and Member Names and Detail is taken from MediBloc
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