Phil Donahue is now a verb

in #media9 years ago

 "Phil-Donahued", verb; to be banished from state media for asking the wrong questions or in any way revealing "that which cannot be discussed" i.e., the truth.

here's a few I remember and why I still trust their work.

many are familiar with Paul Craig Roberts. I remember seeing his commentary on Nightline. but no state media exposure now - he was Phil-Donahued for standing up against the Bush neo-conservatives and presenting the War on Terror as a fraud.

Kevin Phillips was Phil-Donahued after writing about the Bush family in  American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush (2004) - he too was often on TV news shows as political expert.

just the title & year of Phillips' first book  The Emerging Republican Majority (1969) revels a prescient historian.

and again in his book American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush (2004)  where he discussed the folly of sub-prime mortgage backed securities and predicted the disaster well before 2008.

you won't see either of these guys on state media.

I'm sure there's more. Please reply with your favorite!