Welcome to the REAL

in #media7 years ago (edited)

It was a warm sunny morning on the east coast of Australia with a scattering of patchy clouds. I was coming back from a family holiday in Queensland, as was an almost yearly ritual. We rarely indulged in fast food but after many hours of driving through the early morning, Macdonalds seemed like a legimate option for my father. As my mother and sister were studying the menu my attention was drawn to a tiny television set in the top right corner. I watched with immense curiosity as the images being displayed seemed too surreal to be true. I grabbed the attention of my parents and asked them quite quizzically; "What movie is that?" After a short time of processing what he was seeing my father replied "That's no movie, that's real." At this point I think it relevant to point out that I had always done very well at school, which is contradictory as I was always constantly in trouble. Later in life I realised why I had always done well in tests while seemingly putting no effort into study. My greatest skill and the best asset anyone can behold is simply BEING AWARE. I was fourteen at this point in my life and as the rest of the world was quick to blame and react I simply kept my attention on what was actually going on. At 06:00 AEST we would have been among the first people in the world see the towers burning. This was the biggest global event of my life to date and I was of an age where I was old enough to, well I guess I would say "care". I followed the mainstream news closely for the first and subsequently only time in my life. Like everyone else I wanted answers, however the questions I was asking seemed to be different to the questions everyone else was asking. The first and most pressing of my questions was " What the fuck happened to tower 7". It burnt and it fell and that was all we heard about that. After a couple of days it seemed almost forgotten about by the public, but never at any point did I hear any explanation as to how it fell. It was blocks away from the other two. My second question was "How does the most advanced military nation in the world not have any capacity to stop at least one of the two relatively slow moving planes from crashing into a major capital landmark?" I watched and I listened with utmost awareness and as the story developed more questions arose. "What exactly happened at the pentagon?" "How did the buildings fall so quickly and so completely?" "Why was the target the World Trade Centres?" "Who exactly is Osama Bin Laden?" The War Of Terror developed quickly and it was soon evident that my questions would not be answered by the mainstream. Well I quickly gave up trusting the news and went to great lengths to find the answers to my questions. On this quest for truth only more holes became apparent. It took many years and the effort of many researchers aside from myself until I was able to fully grasp the revelation that 9/11 was an inside. This was the catalyst which forced me to awake to the real. If such an unthinkable thing can be true, what else might be?!?!?!