This happens with your body if you stop eating meat

in #meat8 years ago

It is not news that everyone should eat a little less meat. A lot better for the environment, but also for your body.

Your body does not need as much meat as long as we eat in the western world. In addition, doing a lot with your body. This is what happens if you stop cold turkey:

1.You lose weight
Hamburgers, bacon, bratwurst ... if you eat a lot of meat you will also be a little bit, eh, fleshy. Logical so that you lose weight if you leave it for what it is.

2.You will smell better
This may be new to you (for us, anyway): if you eat less meat, you will smell better. Especially red meat leads to unpleasant sweat. Research shows that vegetarian-eating men smell better than carnivores.

3.Your taste buds change
It has not yet been proven, but everything indicates that you change your taste buds as soon as you stop meat. This is because meat is a source of zinc, which tastes like your food. Do not be fooled if you taste something different at first.

4.In the beginning you are tired
Meat also contains a lot of good minerals and vitamins that you need to get somewhere else from now on. Many beginning vegetarians are often tired because they get too little iron. The solution: whole wheat bread, dark green vegetables (broccoli, spinach) and iron tablets.

5.You are less likely to suffer from colon cancer
The World Health Organization last year watched by placing red meat on the list of carcinogens - besides alcohol and tobacco. Later that was relativized, but fact is that red meat food increases the risk of colon cancer.


To be honest, I never experienced any change. Except some peace of mind. Priceless