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This vote will be THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN HISTORY because of the possibly catastrophic implications of voting badly in the presidential election of 2024. The United States of America runs the risk of becoming a totalitarian dystopia in which the minds of its population are influenced by propaganda aimed to turn them into mindless cogs in an imperial machine. This might happen if the United States continues on its current path.

Some members of the electorate are being brainwashed to believe that a fascist government may one day seize power.

The opposing side is being indoctrinated to believe that a communist revolt is about to break out any moment now.

On both sides, people are being conditioned to disregard the truth that the oligarchic totalitarian takeover has already occurred as part of the preparation for the imminent takeover by the oligarchy.

There are three constants in each major international crisis:

First, the Western Empire will be embroiled in the conflict and will likely end up on the losing side.

Second, Western media will insist with great force that the Empire is right.

Thirdly, "You don't get it!" Some of the Westerners will shout. We're on the side of good this time!

The conflict in Ukraine is a frequent topic of conversation in the United States and its allies, but it is absurd to represent this as "supporting Russia." Recognizing that U.S. imperialism sparked and fueled this crisis to advance its own interests is not the same as siding with Russia. You may hate Putin all you want, but you can't deny these facts, which have been well researched and substantiated. To recast the acceptance of obvious facts as covert backing for a foreign dictatorship is to stifle criticism of our own rulers.

Use of the term "Putin apologist" is a red flag that the speaker is actually an apologist for US imperialism. Not only do I disprove this charge, but I also think it's important to point out that accusations of this like are almost never made against those who have a favorable opinion of Russia, but rather towards those who are critical of US foreign policy. It is not those who cheer for Russia and support Putin who are most commonly accused of being loyal to the Kremlin, but rather those who oppose the crimes of US imperialism. This can only be explained by a deep devotion to the Empire.

Some of the most toxic and challenging people to be friends with are those that insist you share their opinions on politics, religion, entertainment, and everything else. The vast empire that currently controls us behaves in this way.

All the symptoms of a pathological narcissist may be seen in the United States empire. It identifies as an adversary everyone who doesn't prioritize their own wants, views others as things to be exploited rather than people to connect with, and utilizes language to control and manipulate rather than share and learn.

The United States focused most of its foreign policy in the 2000s on overt ground invasions on a massive scale (into Iraq and Afghanistan). In the 2010s, proxy equipping in countries like Yemen, Libya, and Syria became a priority. Large-scale proxy clashes with Ukraine and Taiwan, two of its main foes, have been put off until the 2020s.

Each adjustment makes it harder to recognize the evil of the empire. They've had to get sneakier and sneakier with their killing in order to maintain worldwide backing and stave off antiwar sentiment. When it was just Bush-style land invasions to seize resources, this was easy.

Empire remains as dangerous and destructive as it was under the Bush administration. Its actions inciting conflict in Ukraine are just as wicked as those of Presidents Bush and Obama. Now, when nuclear war appears more likely than ever, it's much more important. Therefore, it is not only more difficult but also more important to oppose the colonial power's aggressive actions. Educating the people about the destruction these idiots are creating and the nuclear Armageddon they are inviting is crucial.

Subtle sabotage of peace attempts leaves people feeling further behind. Many of the same folks who opposed Bush's muscular foreign policy now back the proxies fighting Russia and China. Taking steps to stop the manipulators from leading people astray is essential.

Imperial information control primarily involves two practices: secrecy and manipulation.

• The evil doings of the empire are concealed from the public by official secrecy.

• To manipulate public opinion on obvious wrongs, governments resort to censorship and propaganda.

Government classification and opaqueness, as well as brutal suppression of whistleblowers and journalists that break it, are all manifestations of imperial secrecy. As part of its arsenal, imperialism employs propaganda, censorship, algorithm manipulation in Silicon Valley, and media blackouts.

Information about the empire may leak out, but its managers may limit the information's effect by deciding who reads it and how they interpret it. As a result, the public's awareness of the empire's wrongdoings is continually masked; even if information does get through the opace walls, there is a second line of defense that is perhaps more powerful since it may lessen the effect of the information.

Although they play a vital role in tearing down walls of secrecy, whistleblowers, leak publishers, and investigative journalists have a tough time capturing the public's attention and getting people to think critically about their work.

The upside of this second battle is that anybody may take part in it. Even if you don't have the skills to be a whistleblower, leak publisher, or investigative journalist with a major scoop, you can still assist against imperial media manipulation by aiding in the dissemination of the truth. Help expose the corruption of our leaders by spreading the word about the public documents that prove it. You can use any method for online or offline dissemination. Cold facts and convincing arguments can halt the manipulation machine in its tracks.

At this stage of the fight, that's where my strengths really shine. I'm not the one going out and conducting interviews with insiders or spending weeks looking over FOIA records (though I do admire those who do), but I do have a way with words that helps the public better grasp what's already been made public.

There is a big obstacle to revolutionary change in the fact that people have been conditioned not to look too closely at the depravity of the empire and have been accustomed to it their whole lives, so they cannot notice it. The situation can be reframed so they can see it in a different light.

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