Knowing The Math - HCF (Highest Common Factor) or GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)

Hello everyone, this is our lesson on HCF (Highest Common Factor) or GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)

What does the highest common factor of 2 numbers how is HCF of numbers computed

Yes it's commonly referred to as the HCF let's see we want to find the HCF of 8 and 12 to know how the HCF is computed we just need to understand the meaning of the three words highest common factor.

Look at the three wood Highest common and factor so let's first find the factors of numbers 8 and 12

Do you remember how to find the factors of a number yes we try to write it as all possible product of two positive numbers

We look at 8 first one is to write it as 1 multiplied by 8 is 8 divisible by 2?

Yes so we can also write 2 times 4 it's not divisible by 3 we cannot write it in any other way so we can say that the factors of 8 are 1, 2, 4 and 8 just like we found the factors of 8

Why don't you try finding the factors of 12 to find the factors we right 12 as all possible product of two positive numbers

It can be written as 1 multiplied by 12, 2 multiplied by 6 and 3 multiplied by 4 so the factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12

And the first Step is found the factors of the number 8 and 12

The next step is Common

We look for common factors for each of the numbers 8 and 12, 1 is a factor common to both numbers 2 is also common and 4 its common as well 1, 2 and 4, are common factors to both 8 and 12 numbers

And the only word that remains is Highest

So we look For the highest common factor among all the common factors 4 is the highest among the 3 numbers

Hence the highest common factor of 8 and 12 its 4

Let's quickly go through what we did first we found the factors of each of the numbers then we found the common factors to both the numbers and then we found out the highest common factor.

The highest common factor is also commonly known as the greatest common divisor or GCD, GCD means the same thing greatest is the same as the highest and factors of a number are also that Divisor

For example 4 is a divisor of 8, 3 is a divisor of 12 that's the concept of HCF org GCD.

I hope you enjoy ,hope you had a great time and I hope that has helped you understand HCF and GCD a little bit Better. Had a wonderful day.