The Human Antenna

in #math7 years ago

Image human math

If the universe is mathematical

If time, space, and reality are Sine and CoSine waves intersecting in infinite possibilities

If the science of balance and waves is fact

The human entity, our existence, or more specifically our brain; It is the antenna which receives the waves and interprets infinity into a divisive equation. It is the sole organic tool which can dissect 3 dimensions of space and divide 1 dimension of time.

Let me repeat that powerful statement:
The brain is the antenna which can pull logic from an infinite algebraic signal. It can distinctly pull 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time from the equation and place its self into existence.

Is it then rational to consider captured sets of waves synced and experienced in a specific capsule (the body) at a specific dissected fractional portion of time (lifetime) to be the soul?