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RE: Associativity in Tropical Set Theory

in #math7 years ago

This post seems a bit incomplete in terms of terminology. So T is a torus? P is the toric variety? What does it mean for a set to be Milnor. Are you talking about Milnor fibrations? I also don't see what induces the norm in your case.

If you want to explain tropological stuff it makes more sense to start from tropological geometry. Because tropological algebra has a clear intuitive meaning.



This post was an April Fool's Joke generated by mathgen, although I did add in some real references to make it look real.

If you noticed, the last thing that I cited was "Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer?" (with the initials JK) which is a reference to the Monty Python skit "The Funniest Joke in the World":

That said, I was surprised I actually got votes. I guess it goes to show if anything is sufficiently opaque and you use a lot of fancy symbols, you can pretty much get away with anything.

Nice one haha