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RE: 2 + 2 = 5 And I Can Prove It

in #math6 years ago

Aha! You're finally here :) We could use you're help. What's your opinion about counting from zero? Should zero be counted? And if we do count from zero then is it true that 2 + 2 = 5? I may have been confused about the 2+2 part, but the main point I wanted to make in the article was about counting from zero. So, what's your professional opinion?


The 0 is a real number, even when we count the 0 is part of the natural.

count is the assignment one to one of the objects starting with 1. But why start with 1 if the first number is 0?

We shouldn't take anything for granted. There are recent studies that show that the void is not as empty as we were told. I recommend the works of "nassim haramein".

Finally recently I saw a video where a group was about to check that the decimals of pi were wrong, I saw it in a video in Spanish.