Is Romantic Love Complete Bull$__t?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #marriage7 years ago

In the West, we are socialized to believe that romantic love is real and men and women love each other for who they are. Disney movies, popular music, and other entertainment constantly reinforce this idea. We thoughtlessly accept platitudes like, "love conquers all" and "love is all you need." Businesses and entire industries have been built up to exploit our belief in romantic love like the DeBeers diamond mining cartel, the wedding industry, florists, etc. However, most people who've been married and raised children with a spouse over many years know that the concept of romantic love as it is sold to us in our youth is tremendously misleading.

Women, consider this hypothetical scenario: your husband, despite having above average intelligence and hard working, never makes enough money to afford more than a lower middle class living for you and your children. Other women whose husbands you perceive as no more intelligent or hard working than your's wear expensive designer clothing, drive luxury cars, have beautiful homes, and never invite you to their girls night out events or parties. You can't afford nice clothing or activities for your children, so they get made fun of and miss out on opportunities. How strong do you think those feelings of romantic love would be for him?

Men, consider this scenario: within a few years of marriage, the beautiful and attractive women you proposed to gains more than 50 pounds, shows no interest in exercise or health eating, and loses almost all interest in sex. How strong do you think your romantic feelings would be for her?

The reality is that the romantic love one might feel for their spouse on their wedding day isn't enough to last a lifetime. Husbands and wives must commit themselves to continuous self improvement, effort, and change. Sound like too much work for you? Then don't get married or have children. You are too selfish and immature to make a marriage and family work.


marriage is beautiful relation