Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 13 – There Will Never Be Free Markets with a Fiat Currency System

in #markets6 years ago

Religious texts teach that the love of money is the root of all evil. Yet is has become the life’s blood of every corporation and household across the globe. No longer can we reap the benefits, and survive via laboring on our family’s farm in order to provide for not only ourselves, but others with whom we choose to share our bounty. This is all by design. The Coinage Act of 1857 explicitly stated that Americans can no longer transact in foreign currency, instead having to use the US Dollar. By doing so, control over the money supply, and by extension our lives, rests in one central authority.

The effect of having only one form of currency in essence invited those that control currency into all of our lives, households, and families. As we have discussed before, the universe boils down to the energy that permeates all things, living or inorganic. It is the means by which the global elite transmit their evil and hatred for everything into our daily lives. Citizens across the globe work for decades in order to build enough wealth to retire in some modicum of comfort, and if they’re lucky they can afford to travel the globe; experiencing the joys other cultures offer. As the currency’s value declines to near zero it becomes harder to accomplish modest life goals.

Instead, throughout our lives central banks destroy the value of our currency by printing more and more of it. If there is not an underlying asset on which to support its value it will eventually find its intrinsic value, which is zero. I’m one of the fortunate (note sarcasm font) ones. Six years after I was born the United States went off of the last bastions of the Gold Standard (1971). So, pretty much the entire timeline of my life has mirrored the degradation of our currency, and any value that I worked to accumulate throughout my adult life. It is a proverbial treadmill that slowly increases speed as one moves closer to retirement, and as we near the end of dollar hegemony I’m afraid that treadmill will reach relative light speed. For those who are unprepared it will be devastating. More motivation for penning these letters to you, my grandchildren, so that if you find yourself dealing with similar circumstances you can do what needs to be done to save yourselves and your families. Focus on building wealth that can be transferred to the next generation; gold, silver, and land that can be farmed to provide for your fellow humans.

The Nazi/Vril/Evil enjoy the control they exercise over our daily lives and the frustration that builds on an individual level over decades of trying to accumulate wealth for the benefit of your family. One understands how hard they work throughout their lives and when dreams don’t come to fruition peoples’ emotions range from mere annoyance to infuriation. As I mentioned in a prior letter, anger and hatred are passed down through generations, and this only heaps more discontent on the subsequent generation. The global elite realize this and use it to their advantage. Our anger over the inability to get ahead spills over to those around us onto whom we wish to place blame. We must also realize where the blame belongs and that happiness can only come from within each of us.

To their desired end, and with the skill of a Nazi surgeon carving on an un-anesthetized Jew in a concentration camp, the global elite use their news media to pit us against one another to keep our energy 1) negative, on which they feed, and 2) directed at each other in a crossfire hurricane. If we are constantly at each other’s collective throat there will be no way for us to awaken and see how we are constantly being manipulated. Printed money is spent on whatever causes they deem will forward their agenda. Bribes to foreign leaders; authors to write ‘well researched’ books in order to point to ‘objectively’ and say, “See, even these experts agree;” trafficking of children to be tortured, raped, and murdered for the pure energy they possess; producing Hollywood propaganda films that support their cause. Furthering the surveillance state by providing tech companies hundreds of millions of dollars in ‘grants.’ The list could go on for days.

It doesn’t end with the currency. All markets are rigged by those that control them. Markets are manipulated lower and higher by various mechanisms that do not represent a true arm’s length transaction by a buyer and a seller. Naked shorts, wash sales and various other methods are employed to move prices in whichever direction those that control the exchange desire in order to make maximum profits; and they do so whether prices are rising or falling, depending on the positions they’ve taken. They defend these techniques by claiming they are providing liquidity to the markets, and our clueless (or worse yet, corrupt) politicians allow it. If your generation is smart they will allow no transactions in a market that do not represent an arm’s length transaction (an independent buyer and an independent seller).

The global elite have convinced us that we are far superior to generations past due to the technology we enjoy. What we need to realize is that whoever is programming those devices to which we devote most of our day are also programming our minds. That won’t end well. As a young adult I enjoyed the benefits of having several farmers in my family. I can remember thinking that they were so ‘country.’ I was certain that my level of sophistication was far advanced and I would certainly change the world. My view on the world has done a one hundred and eighty degree turn. Now I consider farming to be the most noble profession on the planet. Working, sweating and toiling in the earth’s crust in order to not only feed your family but providing the same for many others is what being human really means.

There is only one answer to providing peace on earth; decentralization. No longer can we afford to be sycophants to any institution that rapes our children, murders humans across the globe in the name of nation-building, or simply wishes to sew discontent. I realize now how foolish I was to believe I could change the world for the better on my own. We must no longer be lazy, but strong and self-sufficient. All of the citizens of the planet need to work together to accomplish harmony.

Until we meet,

Love, Papa